Chapter 15- Dana

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"You let him go?" I yelled at the blonde.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to let that happen." He admitted. "Everything just got out of hand."

"Well where did he go?" I asked.

"I don't know..." He sighed. "He ran off before I realized what was going on and could follow him."

"You had to find him then!" I blurted.

“But I didn’t know where to look!” He exclaimed and slid down to the floor. “I’m such a bad boyfriend… Aren’t I?”

“No! What made you think that?” I kneeled down to face him.

“I promised him that everything would be ok… But it wasn’t.” He turned his head away. I calmly wrapped my arms around the boy’s torso, muttering soothing words.

“It’s ok Noah, you didn’t know what was going to happen.” I repeated over and over. I could feel my new shirt but I didn’t dare call him out on it. “It’s ok, everything is going to be ok.”

“How do you know?” He muttered. He looked at me and I could see that his blue eyes were already turned red.

“Because I’m going to help you.” I smiled. “And I’ll even talk to Luke if things aren’t okey dokey between the two of you.”

“Ok… I’ll trust that of you.” He grinned slightly, just enough for me to see the hope. This will be alright.

“You’re going to do what?” The redhead yelled at me for the second day in a row.

“I’m going to help Nuke.” I replied calmly.

“But you just explained to me yesterday that you don’t do that!” She complained.

“This is different.” I replied, crossing my arms.

“In what way?” She objected.

“Luke has been my best friend since elementary school and I’ve been trying to get those two together for the longest time. No way am I going to let them ruin this so easily.” I smirked.

“I just… I am not going to question you anymore… Do whatever you want.” She facepalmed and walked away. Haha, I win again! Success!

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