1:00- Meetings of trust

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The night was cold and dark, the moon barely shown through the clouds. A mansion stood atop an abandoned hill far outside the city limits. An elegant looking woman with long white hair and red eyes stood protectively by a young woman with blonde hair and pink eyes. The girl looked frightened.

"I mean no disrespect, but you take me out of that mansion just to put me into another? It looks worse that the last!" The girl shivered involuntarily.

"My dear, these girls are not like the brothers, they will care for you and respect you..." the beautiful woman spoke as the gates opened and they entered.

"Lady Christa!" an older looking girl stood in the foyer in a simple plum nightgown, "Is everything alright? You hardly ever come out of the tower to visit us..." the girl spotted the new girl.

"Reina, call your sisters we have some things to discuss," Lady Christa, the third wife of Karl Heinz king of the vampires, kindly looked at the girl.

"Of course, I will go get them! But first please follow me to the lounge." Reina, had long flowing turquoise hair and pale silver eyes that shimmered like the ocean. She wore thin circular wire glasses and had an air of intelligence about her. She was also very pale like Lady Christa.

The girl followed Christa and in turn Christa followed Reina. Reina led them to a large room with a miniature loft. The color scheme seemed to be a warm red color with hints of cherry wood mixed in with the furniture. It gave off a kind and welcoming atmosphere that the young girl wasn't used to.

"Please feel free to have a seat and relax until I am able to get my sisters," Reina had reached the door before stopping and turning to the girl, "I don't mean to be rude miss, but could I know your name?"

"Y-Yui K-Komori," The cute blonde, Yui, said in a slightly nervous manner.

Reina smiled kindly at her, "It is a pleasure to meet you Komori-san!" then she turned and left.

(Meanwhile with Reina)

Reina went to each of her sisters' rooms, informing them of Lady Christa and Yui's arrival. Some protested because they were busy, but Reina told them it was important so obediently they each went downstairs together.

(Back in the lounge)

"Lady Christa, what is this place?" Yui asked as she looked around in wonder.

"It is your new home hopefully, this is the Sakura mansion and the girl you just met was Reina Sakura." Christa informed Yui.

Just then the large doors to the room opened to reveal five new girls and Reina, "I have brought them Lady Christa." she curtsied before leading the other girls into the room. They each nodded politely in greeting.

"I believe introductions are in order before we start, I am Reina Sakura. Second eldest of the Sakura Sisters." Reina curtsied and smiled at Yui kindly. She was very sophisticated even in a nightgown; she seemed like the image of a proper lady.

A girl with crimson hair and shocking lime green eyes stepped forward. She had Black headphones around her neck and an oversized sweatshirt that covered her hands and went past her thighs, "I'm Shane, Eldest of the Sakura Sisters. It is a pleasure to meet you..." she gave a half smile before going to lounge on a nearby couch. She seemed nice and just a bit lazy.

"Yo!" A girl with bright magenta hair that fell in pretty curls to her shoulders stepped up next. She had beautiful golden eyes almost like liquid honey and an air of mischievousness, "My name's Ayano Sakura! I'm the fourth eldest." she winks before going and standing back where she was. She had a sporty tomboyish look but still cute.

"Hi-Hi~! My name's Layla! And I'm the fifth eldest of the Sakura Sisters!" the girl had similar hair to Ayano's but it was slightly lighter and she wore a black slouchy hat over her shoulder length straight hair. She also had honey colored eyes but a beauty mark was under her left. She smiled and waved in a flirty sort of way. She seemed very fashion forward.

"H-Hello, I'm Kaneko, Third eldest. And this is Peter..." The girl looked to be the youngest even though that wasn't the case. She had long and wavy light baby doll pink hair with startling electric blue eyes. She seemed to have a Lolita style with ruffles and frills. She carried a black rabbit in a purple tailcoat with purple eyes. She squeezed the rabbit and smiled cutely at Yui.

"I'm Suzuka, youngest of the Sakuras," a girl with straight black hair that faded to grey and then white at the tips stood by a wall with her eyes closed. When she opened them it revealed crimson irises. She seemed to have a punk like style with a bit of goth. Her smile was more of a smirk but her eyes gave away her kind nature.

"I'm Y-Yui Komori, it is a pleasure to meet you all..." Yui shifted slightly in awkwardness. She was used to torment not polite greetings and smiles.

Lady Christa smiled lovingly at the sisters, "It is good to see you again girls! I have missed you..."

Each of the girls' faces lit up in happiness. Yui looked at them and smiled slightly, they seemed nice.

"Now, I have brought Yui here to you because I have a task for you..." Christa continued.

"What kind of task?" Reina spoke skeptically, she already had an idea of the situation because of her deductive reasoning skills but she wanted confirmation first.

"I need you girls to take care of Yui, I want you to treat her like a sister, a friend, and I want you to protect her." Christa spoke in a serious tone.

"Protect her from what?" Shane had gotten up and drifted to stand by Reina, who was currently lost in thought.

"The Sakamakis..." Christa breathed the name as if they would suddenly appear. Yui visibly stiffened.

Reina gasped, the other sisters looked at Yui wide eyed, Shane looked at her with a look of remorse and apology.

Kaneko was the first to drift towards Yui, she set Peter on Yui's lap before speaking, "I'm sorry...You can hold Peter, he helps when I'm upset. I know he can help you!" Yui hesitantly held the rabbit.

"Thanks..." she spoke softly.

"I apologize..." Reina glided towards her, and wrapped Yui in a sisterly embrace, "You seem too kind to have this happen to you...I'm sorry that you had to meet them and go through so much." Yui stiffened and then relaxed into the warm hug. She sobbed painful tears that she had held in ever since she started living with the Sakamakis. Her whole body shook as Reina held and comforted her.

"I know you will protect her from them, but I fear Karl Heinz also wants her. I don't know why but I fear he may be planning something..." Christa spoke after Yui had calmed down.

"We'll protect her..." Ayano spoke with determination.

"It's utterly despicable that they would dare make such a lovely girl cry!" Layla spoke.

Suzuka patted Yui on the head and gave her a half smile while Shane nodded in agreement.

"We will protect you..." the sisters said in unison.

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