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        One more time. If I have to wake up Lucy because she's sleeping through her alarm one more time.

        I scowl as I rip my sheets off of me, walking in frustration to Lucy's room, which is only across the hall. Does she have to set alarms that she can't even hear, but I can because they're so loud? Roommates, they're great when you're scared of monsters under the bed or something, but when they disrupt your sleep...

        The first thing I do when entering her room is search for the source- her phone. Usually, it's right beside her on her table stand, and sure enough, there it is. I yank the thing from the table and unlock it, hearing the clicks as I type in her password. Clicks everywhere. She has it plugged into speakers. I groan yet again and unplug it, setting the phone itself back down on the table.

        My eyes shift back to Lucy, still sound asleep. Really Lucy?

        My next mission is finding the light switch, and turning it on. Just before yanking her own blankets off her, I notice the clock just above her bed frame reading 5:34 AM.

        The frustration at the fact that it's so early makes it even easier to take all her blankets, and urges me to even get a bucket of water. Once her warmth is ripped from her, her eyes jolt open.

        "You sleep through an alarm hooked up to speakers, but the second your body isn't hugged by blankets..." I murmur, not really being able to say anything louder. It's only now that I realize my voice is still laced with sleep, raspy and dry.

        She mutters her apologies, and after throwing a pillow at her, I let myself sleep yet again.

* * *

        Upon waking up, the first thing I do is check my phone. I shouldn't be surprised at the 3 missed calls and 4 messages from my mother. I haven't spoken to her since our chat Wednesday, nor have I informed her that I'm feeling too ill to come down today.

        I was going to tell her yesterday, but I got sidetracked actually looking for jobs. Well, that and napping after my disturbance with Lucy. Thank the Lord above that didn't happen again this morning, I probably would have gone insane.

        Preparing myself, I dial up my mother. We hold a decent conversation for nearly twenty minutes before my phone vaguely vibrates. I pull the phone away to see a number with a different area code calling me, and I immediately recognize it- it's one of the companies I contacted. One of the most high class around-Hampton Industries. This must be a mistake.

        "I'll call you back later, sorry." I spit out as I interrupt my mother mid-sentence and end the call, answering the other.

        "Hello?" Was the stupid way I decided to start the call. Making bad first impressions as always, Arabella.

        "Hello, is Arabella Bones there today?"

        I crinkle my nose. I hate being addressed with my last name. "I am her."

        "Ah, perfect! Jahred Black of Hampton Industries speaking. I've been informed that you've applied for a job here, is that correct?" He sounds so serious and speaks with such professionalism, he must do this a lot. The thought drops my confidence down. All people applying must get phone calls like these. Confidence disengaged.

        "That is correct," my voice cracks. I would never be able to do what he does, considering I'm highly intimidated already.

        "Oh, perfect! Mr. Hampton has requested I call and tell you he is very impressed with your application, and has taken an interest in you. He was wondering if you'd like to talk in terms of starting as an intern or something simple for now. Well, that's what he's been saying. Would you be all right with a talk over coffee Monday?" Confidence engaged.

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