M a c o r o n i

192 1 1

Bon Bon - Kol mikealson what the f u c k 👁👄👁

Thehotone - what? What did I do?

Blondie - I don't know what's happening but I ship it

Papahybrid - actually Same cause I know what it is

Bon Bon - I'll show you what 

Bon Bon - this went on for hours 

Elijah. - brother that was very ill mannered of you miss bennet must be so tired please apologise.

Thehotone: W H E E Z E  😪🤚

Elijah. - screw this polite act just shut up I'm trying to fuck my girlfriend.

Blondie - 👁👄👁

Bon Bon - 👁👄👁

Thehotone - 👁👄👁

Papahybrid - 👁👄👁

A/N - hi this is my first book and I don't really care if it's canon or not I just find it amusing 💃

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