The Princess of Egypt

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Men: [singing] Mud! Sand! Water! Straw! Faster! Mud, and lift! Sand, and pull! Water, and raise up! Straw!

Guard: Faster!

Men: [continues singing] With the sting of the whip, on my shoulder!

[he whip cracks the man]

Men: [singing] With the salt of my sweat on my brow! Elohim, God on high, can you hear your people cry? Help us now! This dark hour!Deliever us! Hear our call, deliver us! Lord of all remember us here in this burning sand! Deliver us, there's a land you promised us!Deliver us to the promised land!

[the guards run]

Christine: [singing] Yal-di ha-tov veh ha-rach,
al ti-ra veh al tif-cha-d. My daughter, I have nothing I can give. But this chance that you may live. I pray we'll meet again. If she will.
Deliver us!

Men: [singing] Deliver us, hear our prayer! Deliver us from despair these years of slavery! Grow too cruel to stand! Deliver us, there's a land you promised us! Deliver us out of bondage and deliver us to the promised land!

[they all walk to a river, then Young Ayano puts the basket down, then opening a top]

Christine: [singing] Hush now, my baby,
be still, love don't cry. Sleep as you're rocked by the stream. Sleep and remember my last lullaby. So I'll be with you when you dream. [kisses the baby, then closing the top, then she continues singing] River, oh, river, flow gently for me. Such precious cargo, you bear. Do you know somewhere she can live free? River, deliver her there. [she starts vocalizing, then looking at a basket in the river, then the monkeys look at a basket, by fish, birds, crocodile, hippos, with the basket flowing, then running while gasping, then the men carry a basket by fish, then the basket continues flowing, then running, then rowing by paddles with the basket, gasping, then the basket continues flowing, then the basket flows by geese, then picking a flower, then putting her down, then Young Ayano looks at Queen Belle opening a top, looking at Baby Maddie]

Young Ayano: [singing] Sister, you're safe now and safe may you stay, for I have a prayer just for you. Grow, baby sister, come back someday. Come and deliver us too.

[Queen Belle pets the baby]

Severus: Mommy!

Queen Belle: Come, Severus. We will show Pharaoh your new baby sister, Maddie.

Men: [singing] Deliver us send a shepherd to shepherd us and deliver us to the promised land! Deliver us to the promised land!

Christine: [singing] Deliver us!

[they both go chariot racing by opening a door]

Young Maddie: Ha, ha!

Severus: Faster, you beasts! You run like mules.

[they both continue racing]

Young Maddie: Hey, Severus, how'd you like your face carved on a wall?

Severus: Someday, yes.

Young Maddie: How about now? [pushes
Severus by screeching the wheel on the wall]

Severus: You almost killed me!

Young Maddie: Oh, come on. Where's your sense of fun?

Severus: Oh, it's fun you want? [pulls the horses back, then Maddie pulls the horses back, then Severus runs down by a hill] Ohh. Maddie?

[Maddie runs over Severus, then they both continue racing, then the table vibrates, then breaking a table, then racing down the stairs]

Severus: Come on, Maddie. Admit it. You've always looked up to me.

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