1. The beginning

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Your POV

I hear the brrring of the alarm on my bedside table ringing and feel the pounding in my ears before my eyes open. I'm still not completely used to the new ceilings or the new bedside table that I miss the first time I try to reach my arm out and stop this goddamn noise.

Grabbing my phone, I try to yank it towards my face trying and end up trying to wedge the cable from around the corner of the table before talking to myself "Yea I'll definitely have to sand that edge sometime." As I finally get it unstuck.

My dad got a new job in Miami so we just moved here 3 days ago. 3 days isn't a lot of time to settle in if I'm being honest. Especially when it's full of lectures and expectations.

I've always been the pride of the family. Good grades, athletic, kind and honest. But if I'm honest it's exhausting trying to be all of it all the time.

Especially when my family just puts out this face, this facade.. this lie of being happy the time to everyone who can see from the outside. The truth is we're not.

There are nights I hear my parents screaming at each other until their voices die out, nights I hear my mother crying herself to sleep as my dad doesn't come home and days I've had to distract my younger sister from all of this. Wether it's with cartoons or games or books. Anything I could manage to keep her from realizing what's really going on.

And it seems my parents do the same. Around us they can't like absolutely nothing happens. I fucking hate it.

Looking at the time I see it's 7:30am. I still have about an hour before school starts. Unlocking my phone to go through my notifications, as usual, is pretty tame. There are a few emails from spam lists and desperate colleges no one has heard of trying to get me to apply, a few social media notifications and 3 text messages from my best friend back home.

(Y/bf/N): Goodmorning shit head today's the first day of school. So don't oversleep this time got it? Being late on the first day is so cringey.

I roll my eyes and smile as I read her message. A throwback to how we were both late to our first year of high school together and had to stay in morning detention together. "Yup she's still the same." I chuckle before texting back.

(Y/N): Yea yea I know I know I'm going. But if I'm honest I'm a bit nervous :/ Who transfers their senior year?

After pressing send, I sit up in bed and give myself a good twist to the left and right to give my back a good crack. Glancing at the boxes still sitting around my room, waiting to be unpacked and I sigh before I get up to rummage through one. I manage to find a hoodie, jeans and some sneakers.

Standing out on the first day isn't exactly something I want to do.

I make my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and comb my hair as I look at the red eyes staring back still waking up from their slumber.

I can hear the sound of movement downstairs as my mother gets breakfast ready for my younger sister and father before glancing at the clock on the wall and holy shit it's 8am what the fuck?!

I quickly sprint back to my room and grab my phone, car keys and wallet before running down the stairs and grabbing my backpack hanging on the rail.

I run into the kitchen and quickly open the pantry to grab a granola bar and hear my mom say "Y/N it's literally the first day how are you running late mija?" She says with a sigh.

My dad sitting at the table drinking his coffee and responding to emails on his phone chuckles a bit before muttering under his breath "Well... she doesn't get that from me."

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