2. Pleasant Meeting?

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Your POV

As Mr. Oliver opens the door for us, I can't quite seem to take my eyes off this girl standing in front of me.

I hear words coming from Mr. Oliver as he speaks to Mr. Hyde but for the life of me I cannot comprehend them.

Her raven dark hair, sways a bit, as she turns to face me from her standing position in front of the counselors desk. Her emerald eyes, that seem to scan my face for recognition, and holy shit the smile that curls on her lips, as she outstretches her hand towards me.


Oh god that voice. The rasp and creaks that are within it seem to tell a million stories.

"Now Y/N don't be rude. Greet her back." I hear as Mr. Oliver nudges me with his elbow from beside me. His blue eyes look towards me with an eyebrow raised, as I am suddenly pulled back into reality.

"It's Y/N!" I say quickly and reach my hand out to shake Lauren's, internally cringing as I realize how fast that came out.

She lets out the smallest of giggles and as soon as my hand reaches hers, I feel almost on fire. Now I'm personally not one to believe in cliches, however this Lauren girl seems to be drawing me in in ways I never thought possible. What is happening to me?!

"This is Lauren Jauregui. Valedictorian of the senior class here at Oakridge. Also, the captain of our Girls soccer team." Mr. Hyde says as he adjusts the glasses on his nose.

Lauren turns to face him for a second before turning back to me and Mr. Oliver "Oh those are just titles. I swear I'm not stuck up or anything it's nice to meet you Y/N." She says with another smile.

I can feel my heart begin to race as I think of a way to respond. My mouth opens and nothing comes out when thankfully Mr. Oliver begins to speak.

"Now Lauren, I know you have to return to class after announcements, but would you mind giving Y/N here a tour and help her find her classes? I'll write you a pass to your next class if needed." He says while making direct eye-contact with Lauren.

They seem almost casual? I guess a Valedictorian talks to the principle a lot so that makes sense. Being the head of the class and all. I wasn't like that at my old school though, I just kept to myself and did my work. I didn't like getting to involved in school projects if I didn't have to.

Mr. Hyde from behind Lauren starts to ruffle with some papers before stapling them together.

"Okay Y/N, I knew you were coming today so I had these prepared. Here's your class schedule as well as documents we're going to need you to take home to your parents to sign okay? They're mostly medical forms, so nothing serious." He says as he stands from his desk holding the papers out to me.

"And might I say what an impressive set of Academic Achievements. Your GPA is almost as high as Lauren's here. In fact the way things are currently you're one rank under her? Well congratulations on becoming the Salutatorian on your first day!" Mr. Hyde says with his bright crooked smile.

I smile weakly back at him and give him a small thanks. That's when I notice the change in Lauren's attitude.

She went from friendly and kind to cold and stone faced almost immediately. So much for pleasant meetings huh..

I grab the papers from Mr. Hyde and thank him once again as turn towards the door and nod to Mr. Oliver standing beside it.

"Hey wait a sec Y/N." I hear Lauren say from behind me as she grabs her bag and red letterman off the chair to the right of the door.

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