Chapter 4 ~ the star

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I look up from the object very confused "what's up?" Fundy said a little concerned.
"this was a.. a birthday gift from you.. why do I remember this? Nothing bad happened that day. WHY do I remember THIS!?"

Fundy stood there in shock "you remember that??" I went pale, if that was even possible anymore, I feel really dizzy and then it went all black.

~a few hours later~

I slowly open my eyes, the moon was shining through the window, I jumped when I heard little snores, I look down to see arms wrapped around me.

"it's just Fundy" I sigh quietly to myself, I feel his grip tighten around me and hear a little whimper.

"Fundy?" I felt him shoot up and gasp "Fundy?? Are you alright?" I sat up as well.
"y/n! You're awake!" There were tears running down his face and puffy red eyes.
"Fundy.." I hug him "what happened?" I feel him slowly wrap his arms around me.
"I had a nightmare.." I rubbed his back.
"do you want to talk about it?" I feel him shake his head no "that's okay, we don't have to talk about it" I rub his back.

Once Fundy calms down

"Are you okay now?" He sniffed.
"yeah" I give him a warm smile and he returned it.
"FUNDY!" Tubbo shouted walking in "Fundy I need you to go do something for me" Fundy got up and Tubbo whispered into his ear, soon after he dashed out.
"sorry y/n" Tubbo walked out, I was confused as to why Tubbo apologized to me.

After a few hours

It's been a few hours since Fundy left, I left his house a few minutes ago to go on a walk and I'm already lost but I'm sure I'll find my way back eventually.

As I was walking through the forest I run across someone, they look familiar "hello?" They look at me.
"oh, hey there, y/n" the green figure walked up to me "I see you're back finally"
"do I know you?" He stopped walking towards me and stared at me.
"hmm, perhaps you do.. the name's Dream, I was a friend to you" I shivered at the way he said 'friend'.

"What are you doing here Dream" I hear from behind me.
"oh nothing, just talking to an old friend!" He tried putting his arm around my shoulder but fell straight through.

"welp, gotta go" Dream disappeared.
"Are you ok?" I look up at the person "Ah, sorry, um, my name is Ranboo" he's really tall.
"y/n" he smiled.
"I would shake your hand but from what I've seen, that's not possible" he laughed a bit "I should write this down" I tilt my head confused.

"I have really bad memory loss" I nod my head in understanding.
"you must be new or haven't done anything bad, I would've remembered you" he looked up from his book.
"I'm new here, and what do you mean that you would've remembered me if I did something bad?" He went back to writing but was still looking for an answer.
"I don't remember good things- or, well, I didn't at first, but it seems that certain objects help me remember" he nods his head.
"Y/n" I hear Fundy behind me

I turn around "hey Fundy!" I wave at him.
"I thought you disappeared, why'd you leave the house?" The guilt starts to seep in.
"um, you were gone for a while and I got bored.." he seemed frustrated.
"I'm just gonna go and let you guys talk" Ranboo says.

"Ok, bye!" He waves and then throws a pearl.
"did you even know where you were going? Or how to get back?" I stay silent "I take that as a no" he sighs "come on" he starts walking in one direction and I follow.

~Minutes later~

"Now go inside, I have to go take care of something" he goes to walk away.
"but I thought you were done with what you were tasked with"

He turns back to me "I was on my way there and ran into you" I whisper out 'oh' and he leaves

'You're a burden to him'  I remember hearing that voice before.
'You heard me, a burden!' But I thought it left, I thought I was safe from it, but it just keeps coming back 'just go do something to entertain yourself, other than going outside, you don't want to disappoint him again, do you?' I shake my head and go towards the bed to sleep

Words Before editing: 781
After editing: 790
Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update, it's been quite a week 😅 anyway, hope you're enjoying the book! ^v^

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