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I am krishnanuja krishnpriya. The identity of being krishnanuja is the best possession nd indescribable fortune of mine. This identity is the soul of my existance. For this identity, I can break relationship with the outer world nd can battle with the world alone.

My brothers are the very cause of my existance. We brothers nd sister are one soul. Our base existance is one. We are one. No one can come in between us. I had shared my rights as a wife. I don't have any complain for this because all my co wives were elder than me. In the field of rights of mother also, I wasn't exclusive. I don't have any grudge for this because jyeshtha loved abhimanyu more than her sons nd upapandavs also had given respect me as mata.

But most are insulting my exclusive rights of being krishnanuja, being ladli of my dau nd kanha, in name of freedom of thoughts nd vague imagination. Who gave them rights to cross the decency of my exclusive rights' field area. I know you won't realize anything by my mere saying. So give answes to all my questions.


(1) Jyeshtha (means empress draupadi) is my bhratasri's friend. Many are saying that bhratasri chose jyeshtha as his friend out of wish nd I borned as his sister due to destiny.

So tell me does destiny has it's existance in mere air? Doesn't destiny has any foundation?

(2) I know the relations of heart is superior than the relations of blood. But that does mean relations of blood is this much weak enough to be break nd abandon at any time?

(3) The relations of blood which foundation is nurtured nd nourished through out a long period can really be erased from heart with that much easiness?

(4) If answers of these two questions is " No" then how could most of people are saying that my bhratasri had given preference to jyeshtha over me?

(5) How is this imagination is fitting well in their minds that my dedication for my bhratasri for so many years before arrival of jyeshtha had become weak that too without any wrong doing   of mine?

(6) The connection between bhratasri nd jyeshtha had a greater cause nd that was establishment of dharm. Their friendship had a reason nd my connection with my bhratasri had the also the very same reason. So why most are thinking that my position could be inferior for my bhratasri?

(7) Most are comparing my position in my bhratasri's life with jyeshtha. So tell me few answers.

(a) Whose childhood is nurtured by dau nd kanha?

(b) Whose upbringing was done by dau nd kanha?

(c) Whose pranks' blame was taken by dau nd kanha?

(d) Who had got the rarest fortune of playing in lap of dau nd kanha?

(8) If the answers of all questions is me, yadavi, then on the hell of which basis most are underestimating my position as krishnanuja?

Say me answers. Why all are quite? I know all answers are in my favor. Today me, my dau nd my bhratasri are all together as the immortal message of siblings' bond. But if still many are interested in remaining in their bubble of imagination then I don't want to say anything.

So my sakhis, I have done my part by giving update. Now it's all ur turn. It's all upto u what will u do.

But I wanna clear one thing that I won't update before 20 votes nd satisfied comments. That's all.

If want double update for weekends then crack the target for all chapters which haven't reached it's deserved destination.


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