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I could not hate this office any more if I were paid to, but that's honestly the reason I'm here. The money. Working as a secretary is obviously not a glamorous internship, but it allows me to sit in on all the meetings here and that's the important part. I take some notes, get paid, and sometimes see some eye candy, not a bad gig. I figure objectifying the men here is fair enough since they constantly degrade me for my position in the company. If only they knew...

My daydreaming about the hot asshole across from me at the meeting table is interrupted by Niall, my oh so dear friend of many many years, poking my right arm with his pen.

"What?" I practically hiss at him under my breath. Seriously, I've known him for way too long.

"Oh calm down, Ari," he shot back at me with a fierce whisper, "I was just asking you your opinion on what Albert had to say." He gives me a pointed look, speaking the second half of his sentence in what I like to call his 'presentation voice.'

I get flustered and my cheeks redden, knowing he caught me with my mind completely adrift, but seeing as it's already Wednesday and this is the second meeting of the week and 'ol reliable Albert never has anything new to contribute, I just start by clearing my throat and looking sheepishly at all of the men at the table, giving them the satisfaction of being made to feel superior and more masculine.

As if Syndicate needed more toxic masculinity, I think to myself with an internal eye roll as I suck it up and prepare for the performance of a lifetime.

"Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to speak to Mr. Horan." I gush, playing the office pet role quite nicely, although I thoroughly hated having to refer to Niall formally.

"I think Al," I start, making sure to call him a nickname to yet again pad his already massive ego (which only matches his stature, I might add), "made some very interesting points regarding a possible addition to the 'Sea-strain' although my only concern is the extra energy consumption adding such a feature would require." Because I'm technically calling his idea ridiculous, stupid, and ridiculously stupid, I made a point of looking down at the table while I did so, so as not to bruise the aforementioned ego.

Albert nods, only looking slightly pissed off, but is clearly pleased with my behavior. Niall notices this and gives my knee a squeeze under the table. Had literally anyone else touched me, even my own mother, I would've flipped over the table and knocked them out. Rather than go full Hulk on him, I give a discreet nod and turn all of my attention back to the absolute 'hunk' -for lack of a better word- in front of me rather than the rest of the meeting, knowing I had already done my part. The rest was up to Niall later.

Not even I could deny the guy's looks, he was genuinely just a beautiful... I'm gonna say Ken doll... because to be honest he's pretty to look at but it sincerely creeps me out any time he speaks. Not only is he definitely the most arrogant person in the room (which is saying something), he's who I would vote as "most likely to mansplain." He's really that guy, and I hate that this workplace makes it so hard for women to get higher positions. Yeah, I designed it that way, but in my defense it was either make SRPNT filled with women and figuratively get shit on by our rivals like Slice and Dead Eye, and though I haven't heard about them in forever, I'm not counting out the possibility of Beta. If any of them even found out the person at the helm was a woman (regardless of how badass I am) they'd try to take us down or throw me out. This is only especially problematic as "throw me out" means kill me and put me in a dumpster somewhere, so excuse me for wanting to maintain public appearances.

My thoughts are once again interrupted by Niall's death grip under the table. Seeing as that wasn't a part of the plan coming into this meeting, I'm fully taken aback and jumped a little in my seat. He knows I hate being touched in any capacity, but even more so when I don't know it's coming. I knew what he meant by the pressure though, and immediately gathered myself and saw the hot asshole looking back at me with a gleam in his eye. Few days ahead of schedule, but I guess my subservient act with 'Mr. Horan' earlier paid off quickly.

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