Chapter One:My Secret Crush

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"We're home!" We said as Hima and Mom responded "Welcome Home!"

"Ani-Chan! Ane-Chan!" Hima said as she skipped towards us. "Oh, what happened to you two?" Mother asked as she looked at our clothes.

"Ahh well..." We trailed our words as the thunder rumbled outside and the drop of heavy rains hit the roof.

"I see, go and change now, you don't want to have a cold do you?" Mom said.

"Hai!" We responded and went into our seperate rooms. I took off my clothes and put them on the laundry. We were soaked by water head to toe cause of the water jutsu battle we had earlier. I had a shower and dried my hair completely. I put my pajamas and tied my hair into a ponytail.

"Sakuhi! May I come in?" I heard Boruto's voice behind my door and heard knocks

"Sure! Come in!" I said as the door opened revealed Boruto in his pajamas too, holding video games.

"Wanna play video games?" He waved the video game with a challenging smirk, I nod as I smirk back.

"You bet I am! May the best twin wins!" I said as he gave me the other controller and we went downstairs to the living room.

We were playing for hours now. After the dinner, we played non stop. My eyes grew tired and I yawn.

"What time is it?" I asked him as we went for another round of the game. He yawns as he look around.

"What are you looking for?" I asked curiosly as he continued to look around.

"Well... Oh here it is!" He said as he raise the megaphone... Oh he's not... Uh oh too late...

He inhales as he put the megephone on top of his mouth. "YO! THIS IS UZUMAKI BORUTO DATTEBASA!!!" He yelled at the megaphone. His usually loud voice became double or more. I just can feel my ears dripping.
"Who's screaming at 3 AM?!" We heard from afar I think it's from outside.

"Oh it's 3 AM!" He said with a grin as I looked at him dumbfounded.

"You could've just check the time on you watch... but OK!" I said my ears twitching from the sudden loud noise


I was eating my breakfast tiredly while yawning, same as Boruto.

"Oh, what happened to you two? Why do you look so tired?" We heard a familiar voice. I look up and saw the seventh hokage,Uzumaki Naruto,Our Father.

"Otousan" We three said in surprise as Mom smiled widely.

"Naruto-kun, you're home!" She said as Father chuckles and smiled. "N-naruto-kun?" Aww I miss the kid Hinata!

"Of course! I finished all my works at the office and I think I need a break. And I miss you guys" He said while sitting at his own chair. He ruffled our hairs and hugged mom.

"Yeah, paperworks. You better have a break... Especially on your age" Boruto have a smug smirk on his face as Father slightly glared at him.

"Don't treat me like an old man. And why were you two yawning at a time like this? It's 7 AM" He asked curiously as Boruto and I scratch our heads with a sheepishly smile

"Well someone played video games all night long, and never forget Boruto screamed on a megaphone in three am" Mom glared at us as we looked away. She sighed as Dad shake his head.

"You two have to save your energy so that you can train yourselves" he said.

"That's what were waiting for! Where's big brother Konohamaru?" Boruto asks as I ask along.

"And we're not getting any missions these days it's kinda boring without doing anything" I said.

"Well, occopied yourself or something, and Konohamaru have an important mission,maybe he'll be back in a few days,and when he'll come back that's only when you can have a real mission" He said as we groaned.

"Oh come on!" We said as he chuckles.

"Well, you can train by yourselves, there's four of you" he said and shrugged as we sighed.

"Anyway, I can walk in the water dattebayo!" Boruto bragged as always.

"Oh that's awesome then! I was at your age when I master that!" Dad said with a grin.


"We're leaving!" We ran out the house and went to our meeting place with the two. We jump through roof to roof until we saw the place. A huge tree with grass surround it and colorful flowers. We call this as meeting place or hung out place. We landed on the shadow of the tree and look around the breeze hit our faces made our hairs flew back dramatically.

"Well looks like those two aren't going to be here any longer, wanna play video-" He was about to finish what he's going to say until the branch on the tree moved. We got alarmed and pick our kunais, ready to attack who's the intruder.

"Calm down you two. It's just me" said the snake boy as he appeared in front of my face. His face is just inches away from mine,his feet are attached onto a branch. I blushed the thought of him so close. Unknowingly I blushed beet red and Boruto snickers while Mitsuki looked at me with corncern. "Are you okay,Sakuhi? You looked red? Are you sick?" He placed his hand on my forehead and that's when my face began to hot red.

See what I did there?  Corncern? 😂 it's concern btw

"I... I" I started to talk but it only became stutters. His face is so close... I can't... "Ahh!" I exclaimed as I accidently hit his forehead with mine. He lose balance and dropped himself onto the grassed ground. I too lose balance myself and fall backwards, face still red. ""


"Come on Sakuhi! Wake up!"

What happened to me?

"Ahh my hands are tired from fanning her, mitsuki have any water to splash to her?"

Yes, that's it. I fall back from what happend earlier.

"No,she's the only one who can create water"

"Oh dame it! Sarada hit her for me?"

Oh it's so embarrassing!

"I rather save myself from doing that!"

I opened my eyes as saw the three. Boruto holding a fan. Mitsuki and Sarada sitting just infront of me.

"Oh she's awake!" Mitsuki said with his signature eye smile. Gah that smile!
"About time! Gosh what happened to you back there?" Boruto asked as I just think for an excuse.

"I...well... Lack sleep that's why" I said as I fake yawned.

"You should take care of yourself" Mitsuki said rather concerned which made me blush again.

Sarada chuckles. "Well now you're that awake, we should hang out somewhere!"




-Author Chan

Whirlpool Of Blooming Fire:Uzumaki SakuhiWhere stories live. Discover now