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/ + 2 months /
| namjoon |

namjoon didn't quite understand why he was so hung up on a boy he barely knew. they had only spoken for a month through paper notes, not once catching each others eyes or laughing together. so why was he currently sitting at his desk with sorrowful eyes as he reread notes from the past?

he didn't know. his brain was too occupied with the thought of hugging his friend. meeting his friend. receiving another note from his friend. he wanted something, anything from the boy he called his friend.

a sigh escaped his mouth, filling the silence that once occurred in the boys' room. he was onto the last note he had received from jin, reading it throughly although it was rather short. the paper seemed as if it was melting away, blowing out of his hands and curling into the thick air he was surrounded in.

but it wasn't, it was still firmly placed in between his fingers as his eyes began to blur, tired from all the words they had been taking in.

he frowned and placed the paper on his desk, standing up and moving to his bed to take yet another nap. naps and reading had filled the gaps in his life ever since school had come to an end.

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