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/ 2 am /
| namjoon |

it was late. his eyes were plastered on the ceiling above him as thoughts ran through his head about the boy he missed too much. he had ran through things many of times, trying so hard to find a reason as to why he cared so much.

but, just as he did any other night he stayed up late thinking about the boy who couldn't speak, he ignored the thoughts and got up, walking over to his desk to sift through the notes again.

he took a seat on the rickety wooden chair in-front of his desk and sighed, frowning slightly. it was crazy how hung up he was on the boy.

his eyes widened when he caught the sight of the note he read last night sitting on the floor, littered in wrinkles. "stupid fucking fan." he muttered.

he lifted his figure out of the uncomfortable chair and and waltzed over to the paper laying on the floor, picking it up with delicacy.


he gazed at the note with burning eyes. a jumble of words and numbers were inked onto the page. his interest was piqued.

however, anger filled his heart upon reading.

how could he miss something so important?

call me. xoxo

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