Chapter 5

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I woke up to a cold hand shaking me. I slowly open my eyes to see Pitou shaking me. "What" I say in my morning voice "Wake up and get ready the king wants to see you" Pitou says.

"Okay" I say annoyed because of Pitou waking me from my sleep. I go to the bathroom and get in the shower. Then after brush my teeth and find a nice knee length dress.

After I get changed Pitou comes back into the room. "Come on" Pitou says grabbing my arm. After walking we reach the throne room. Pitou opens the door to reveal the king sitting in that same position he's alway in.

"Come" the king says. I roll my eyes and walk over to him. "Sit" he says. Him and these dang one word sentences. I then sit down.

"Play 3 rounds of gungi with me. If you win I'll let you go and if I win you teach me about more emotions" the king says. "WHAT!?" I say.

"I've only played gungi before like 3 times! And what if I win?! You'll just let me go but if you win all I do is teach you about emotions? Not that I'm complaining about leaving it's just why make a bet knowing your not %100 sure of winning?" I say ranting.

"I'm not sure but let's begin" the broccoli monster says. We then start the game and after about 10 minutes the king beats me in the first round. Not a shocker.

"Let's begin the second round" the king says. We then start and this time I tried harder. Ughhhhhh, I almost won. "What's the point of playing the third round? You already won the first two" I say bluntly

"Simply for entertainment" that broccoli says. "I hate you, I really do" I say. "Hate...?" The king says. How stupid can he be? "Hate is when you strongly dislike a person" I say.

The king then doesn't respond and makes the first move for the next round. Not a shocker he won. "Now teach me more about emotions" the king says.

I then teach the king about jealousy, fear, irritation, embarrassment, and etc.
"Do you fear me?" The king says. I then feel a little bold so I say. "No, and I never will" I say sitting up straight with pride.

"Hm" is all the king says before calling pouf. "Yes sire" pouf saying kneeling to the king. "Take her to her room and don't leave till I return, she may try to escape" the king says. Pouf then grabs me by my arm and takes my to my room.

"Watch it stupid butterfly" I say. We then go inside my room. Pouf opens the balcony door and pulls out his violin that magically appeared and start playing it.

The melody wasn't that bad. In fact it was kinda beautiful. As much as I hate that dramatic butterfly he's got talent. After a while of listening I see a book shelf and go to it.

I then see a book called "twilight" (MY FAVORITE). I then pick up the book and go to the balcony where pouf is and take a seat next to him and start reading.

I wasn't really fazed with Y/N saying she hated me. After a while of reading more about gungi and how to defeat the silver haired girl I go to Y/N's room.

When I opened the door I hear a violin playing. I look out the balcony window to see pouf playing the violin with Y/N next to him reading a book slightly smiling.

I only choose pouf to watch her because I know he'd never let her escape. Youpi was guarding the palace and Pitou was using her En.

I hated the sight of seeing them next to each other. this the emotion Y/N called...jealously? I think it is. I then walk to the balcony door and open it.

"Pouf you can go now" I say startling Y/N a little. Pouf then stops playing and says "yes sire" then leaves. Y/N then ignores me and continues reading the book.

"What are you reading?" I say. "A book called twilight" she says. "What's it about" I say. "It's a book where a girl meets a vampire, then they fall in love" she says. "Love..?" I say confused.

"Love..?" The king says. "Love is a feeling you get towards a certain person, when you get butterflies when you look at them, when you think there the most beautiful person in the world, and when you care for that person" I say then continue reading.

"Oh" the king says. "Come on Pitou is bringing you some food soon" the king says. As much as I wanted to stay on the balcony I COULDNT RESIST FOOD.

I then followed the king to my bed. Well he sat in the chair next to my bed and I sat on my bed. My hands randomly start to roam around the sheets...wait. SHEETS. There's a possibility I can tie the sheets together to make a rope to escape.

I then start to bounce up and down a little excitingly forgetting the kings presence. "Why are you so happy" the king says. Oops.

"Nothing I'm just really excited about food" I say, that technically wasn't a lie. A knock then comes from the outside of the door stoping our conversation thankfully.

Pitou then comes in with a burger and some fries. "I'm not sure what this is but it looked better than soup" Pitou says handing my the try of food. "It's fine thank you" I say.

The king then gets up and walks out. I don't question him because I was to bust stuffing my mouth with food. After I finish I set the tray on the floor and decide to go to sleep.

Sorryyyy again for not updating. Even though most people hate pouf, he deserves love to😤. Anyways thanks for reading. Goodnight <33

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