Episode 2

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불친절한 그놈들
"Unfriendly Guys"

(first-person; Inhyeong focus)

I opened my eyes to see a familiar face. I traced his jawline and his nose before pausing at him lips. I blinked a few times, trying to see more clearly. I looked up from his lips to see his eyes were open.

"What are you looking at?" He asked.

I quickly realized this was not right. I stood up and screamed. "Hey! Who are you guys? Robbers? Perverts? Why are we sleeping together?"

"Hey now," one said. He lay furthest to the left. "Have you ever seen perverts as handsome as us?" His question was followed by a wink.

The boy on the far right suddenly spoke up, still half asleep. "It's not the first time we've slept together. Why are making a big deal?"

"What?" I asked out loud.

"You really don't recognize us?" It was the boy who had slept on my right side. "You've even kissed him before!" He gestured to the boy with whom I woke up face-to-face.

"That's enough," he said and covered the other's mouth. "Don't you need to go to school? You'll be late," he said as he handed me my phone.

"It's so late, I'm going to be late!" I exclaimed. I grabbed my phone from his hand and ran inside.

* * * (first-person; Inhyeong focus) * * *

I jogged down the path and then I remembered what that one guy said. "You've even kissed him before!"

"I kissed him?" I thought out loud. I had slowed to a walk and checked my phone. "It's late! I'm late!" I told myself as I began to jog again.

My pace slowed as I passed a nearby bench where a group of girls sat. "Isn't that her?" I heard one say. Another asked, "You think so?" "Looks like her," another said as I continued walking. I checked my phone.

Articles of yesterday's events were still circulating. I read one titled, "Terrorist Fan Takes Away Junior's Purity" as I came to a stop.

"It's her!" One shouted. I turned to see them getting up from the bench. "Let's go!"

I began to run, phone in hand, without looking back. I could hear their footsteps behind me and ran as fast as I could. I kept my pace for just over a block before coming to a crosswalk. I looked at the signs ahead. Four seconds left to cross. I saw the girls behind me, and decided to run across the street.

I could feel my heart beating fast, my bag moving, and steady footsteps until they all came to a stop. I had stopped. I tripped in the middle of the intersection.

I saw the light turn red, indicating no one should be crossing. I heard an engine hum, and the large truck I had intended to cross in front of was now swerving to avoid me. Though other cars had stopped in their lanes, I heard another engine, and it was growing louder. I turned to see a motorcycle approaching the intersection. It did not move from its seemingly set path. I brought my arm up to my face as it came closer. The engine grew louder. Closer. I could hear rocks being blown aside. Closer.

Suddenly, it screeched to a halt. Two of the boys I had woken up to appeared in front of me. The motorcyclist took off his helmet and spoke with a booming voice. "What is this? Who are you punks? You dare to stop me? Huh? Come on!"

Another boy appeared in front of the motorcyclist. He circled that person, causing them to freeze on the spot. By the looks of it, he had seduced the cyclist.

Yet another boy spoke up. "Let's go!" His hand shot into the air, and music began to play. A dance party had begun in the intersection. The girls who were chasing me threw their hands in the air. The people who stopped their cars moved their bodies. The motorcyclist began to dance. The boys I recently met were bouncing along to the beat.

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