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Ship: Sua/Bora x Siyeon
Genre: Angst
Warning: Slight Mention of death
Word Count: 562 Words

Telephone Call

The telephone call Siyeon waiting for managed to get in touch with her.

Feeling enthusiastic. She answered the call.

"Is this Ms. Lee siyeon?" A girl says from the other line in a very nervous mess siyeon answers.

"Y-yes" She managed to stutter a reply thinking to herself I have to stay composed or else I probably wont get this job.

"I will be the one interviewing you today I apologized that I could not meet you today" Siyeon gulped replying with a "It's okay".

"So first question Why do you want this job?" She starts to ask me about basic questions that Siyeon answered with confidence knowing that she studied her answers for a week or so.

But an unexpected question comes in that left siyeon stunned. "What is your biggest regret and why?".

Siyeon didn't study such an unexpected question so she didn't know what to answer.

"Hello Ms. Siyeon?" She calls out from the other line snapping siyeon out her thoughts.

In order to get a job I have to be honest yet confident Siyeon thought of what a certain someone told her in the past.

"Well...My biggest regret is that I never get to say good bye to someone who was very important to me she always was like an angel who wanted to support and stay with me and likewise I also wanted too but unfortunately time and life didn't want the same thing. She died a year ago after suffering from mesothelioma the last time I get to hold her she told me not to say goodbye because I will see or even talk to her soon but when she was still alive she always brings up this job everytime we were together so I wanted to make her proud even if I came by late" Siyeon answered the girl as tears escape her eyes.

Recalling her memories with her passed girlfriend it made siyeon's heart ache. She always ask. Why did the sky take my bora away from me.

It was going good. They both had plans for the future. Siyeon was going to marry her. She was. But instead Bora was now living the best life in the sky.

And Siyeon grew to accept that that's why making bora proud was her first step to moving on.

"Singnie don't worry okay? I will never leave you alone by yourself You were and will forever be the one I would always love and care for, We will see each other soon, but for now enjoy your life, so when we meet each other again. I will take care of you, after a year thank you so much for finally reaching out to me" Siyeon bursted into tears hearing Bora's gentle voice from across the line.

"I-i love you so much I-i'm sorry that I-I reached out to you so late" Siyeon then puts the telephone down unable to keep her hands from shaking as she starts to cry harshly.

With the telephone chord being broken. Siyeon cried harder.

I finally heard her voice after a year.

(Is it confusing? Please do tell me if you want me to explain what happened :)

Have a nice day and stay healthy🤍)

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