Chapter 7: Sour Dinner

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There are a lot of achievements people praise themselves for, Yours was turning Diana's straight line also known as her mouth slightly turn up. After the little fiasco in the beginning you had a great time with Diana! Even if she was insistent on doing some things longer then you expected to "perfect" them (like they weren't amazing already), but it was nice seeing Diana having a genuine good time. You feel like she needed it.

With such a good mood you accepted Diana's proposal to sit with her and her team during dinner. You never had talked much with her friends after the first day and now as you walked down the hallway you couldn't help but feel nervous they would hold some kind of grudge after you scared them half to death last time you interacted with them.

Diana seemed to notice this. She clasped her hand in yours as you both stopped walking.
"I can understand why you might be scared. But knowing your reputation combined with how Hannah and Barbara are I'm sure you will get along just fine."
It was supposed to be reassuring but you didn't feel any less tense, yet you still nodded as you and Diana continued walking, hands still connected making your cheeks feel incredibly hot.

What did Diana mean with your reputation and how her friends are like? That only because you come from an influential family they would like you? ...Did that count for everyone? Like Sucy said about the teachers trying to suck up to you...Did people really like you or just wanted to be in your good graces...?

Slowly you let go of Diana's hand, you didn't dare to even see a glimpse of her face as you reached and opened the door to the cafeteria.
The ground was mildly interesting as you just kind of stood there.
"Ah, there they are."
You finally looked at Diana as she pointed towards a table holding two familiar faces. Chatting between themselves unaware of your presence, you gulped as you followed the walking Diana to the Duo.

Just as you two were about to reach the table Hannah noticed you.
"Oh Diana you're here! ...And y/n."
The drastic change of tone in Hannah's voice couldn't be ignored, making you feel only more nervous as Barbara only gave you a disinterested glance before looking back at Diana with a smile. Who seemed unaware of what was going on, you wished this was just a normal thing they did.

"I hope you all did well with my presence lacking?"
"Of course we did! I took the time to catch up on my nigh-"
Barbara suddenly let out hoarse coughs as she covered her mouth, raising the concern of the remaining three around the table.
"I-Da-I-uh-I was finishing some homework! Sorry for the coughing I may have catched a bit of the cold!"
Wasn't it sunny today? No matter Hannah and Diana seemed to accept it as Diana slipped into her seat.
"So are you just going to stand there or?"
Hannah asked, staring at you who was still standing in one place.
"O-Oh yes, of Course!"
Taking place on an empty seat you couldn't help but feel even more nervous as Hannah was even closer to you now, her eyes almost piercing into you.
"I suppose you managed too, Hannah?"
Hannah gave you a break from her cold stare as she stared at Diana, a small smile coming to her.
"Oh! Yes, I did some studying too. Kind of boring but you do what you got to do."
Diana gave her a nod.
"Yes, even if you don't like it you should always do the things you need to do to succeed in life, or in this case your education."
"A lesson someone still has to learn around here~"
Barbara said, her head turning to look outside the table. You then noticed her tense up before quickly turning back to the table.
"Is anything wrong Ba-Barbara?"
You asked, the broken suspense doing little to calm your own nerves.
"What makes you say that?"
Barbara and Hannah gave you confused, almost annoyed glances as they kept their eyes on you again. So much for trying to show you care...
"W-We-Well it's ju-"
"Forget it."
Barbara waved her hand, turning her attention to Diana.
"So what did you two do together? You certainly look more chipper, Diana!"
Where you prided yourself on breaking some of Diana's cold demeanor it seemed to not be that much of a challenge for these two as Diana broke out of it once again. Something you felt you two would have actually needed.

"A-Ahm yes, we truly did have a grand time back in y/n's dorm. They're a truly wonderful person once you get to know them."
A part of you was endeared by her words. Another wasn't sure if they could be trusted. Were Diana and the rest of your friends really different from Hannah and Barbara beyond attitude. Also only interacting with you because of your family? Surely Diana wouldn't considering her family is on par with yours...then again you have been hearing rumors of the Cavendish family declining over the years in your father's happy drunken stupors in the many small parties he had with his friends, as far back when you could just walk...

Hannah and Barbara however weren't interested at all with what Diana had to say about you.
"But what did you exactly do in there?"
Hannah asked. Her gaze a mix between questioning and demanding.
"We practiced magic, from the school books and some we have improved on our own, it is always important to innovate while still respecting the older teachings."
Diana's confidence was thankfully back and her friends seemed more then pleased with her answer.
"Well that's good to hear! It's nice to see you didn't have to interact with any of those disgusting bugs they keep. Mentioning that, did you finally get rid of them y/n?"
Barbara said, you couldn't guess if it was intended as a genuine question or just an insult. Why would they be so mean to your first few friends? They did nothing wrong! You had to do your best not to let the tears flow out.
"Seriously? Isn't it illegal to keep non-familiars around?"
Hannah said, this time the sentence really feeling less like a question.
"I-I-I Di-Did-Didn't-uh-It was said it was fine!"
You finally let out, taking deep breaths as you tried to hide yourself behind the mush known as your dinner. You swear you could see their glare becoming ever intense before they went back to Diana again, the glares gone but not rubbed out of your mind. It still felt like someone was staring at you With ill thoughts. Or were they good ones?

...You just didn't know...all you knew was that nothing felt right.


I couldn't believe the image in front of me, it couldn't be real and yet it was. As real as the books I let fall on the ground upon witnessing the image. There they were, y/n sitting with all of blue team and not here with me. Something wasn't right here and I would get to the bottom of it.
Yet my focus on blue team's table was unvoluntary shared as when I tried to stand up my arm was grabbed causing my entire body to get dragged back to my cold seat. Snapping my face to who was in my way that was sure to hurt a few joints I came upon the scared face of Lotte.

"Akko, what do you think you're doing?"
"Doing what is necessary, now let go."
I couldn't let y/n be bullied like this, I saw their eyes, I saw Hannah's and Barbara's eyes, eyes of fear against eyes of cruelty
"Please Akko you're not thinking right! I can understand you being concerned for y/n but does that really mean you have to be like Diana and assume the worst? Constantly intervening over nothing, only drifting you two further away?"
Lotte had a point, I wasn't like Diana. As much as I would like to prevent anything bad from happening I had to hope Diana could for once reel in her friends worse qualities.
"Fine, but if anything happens then-"
"Then it's perfectly normal to help, now let's enjoy dinner."
We both visibly relaxed as Lotte let go of my arm.

"You know, despite coming off so badly the first time they met Diana and y/n do seem to do pretty well now."
Sucy said as she gave a glance towards the cursed table I still had my eyes on.
"Sucy! Can we talk about anything but that please?"
Lotte said as she glared at Sucy, her eyes growing more concerned when her eyes shifted to me.
"Just food for thought."
It certainly was, it showed that despite the mistreatment Diana gave them they were still willing to forgive her long enough to become "friends", of course not as close as us. A kindness that was a rare quality in this world...innocent...a innocence people like Hannah and Barbara didn't deserve and would mistreat without a care!

The mushy food did little to distract me from the travesty happening in front of me, I noticed Barbara turning around to look at me until we made eye contact, that was enough to scare her off. Good.

Suddenly a new distraction reared it's head from one of my friends.
"So Akko! How were your extra lessons with professor Ursula?"
Lotte asked as a small smile was on her face, something I would normally never get bothered by but today I did. Maybe because there is no reason to smile when y/n is in danger.
"It was fine...Did you know we have this assignment for witch history class where we have to interview someone or something?"
"Ah that! I'm thinking of doing it when I visit my parents again, ill take a detour and visit grandma too. She's quite the talker and there is no doubt she knows some stuff when it comes to magic throughout her life! What about you Sucy?"
Stop with smiling, at the very least not so wide...
"I'm thinking of asking one of the teachers later."
Atleast you have the decency to not smi-
"Is it professor Lukić?"
"Hey, get out of my head."
Aaaand she was now smiling too. Stop it.
"Akko, are you alright?"
No Lotte I'm not alright because you two are smiling while y/n is-
Those were for sure tears welling up in their eyes.
I knew they would do something to them! That's it! I'll be there for you y/n!

Oh right, Lotte was still talking to me.
"No!, I'm not fine!"
"Why? What's wrong?"
I only pointed my finger in the direction of where y/n sat as I was about to stand up.
"Oh Akko, you really need to learn to not get worked up over sma-"
Worked up? WORKED UP?!
"Are you telling me I shouldn't get worked up over one of my friends on the verge of crying?!"
Lotte looked back at blue team's table, a look of shock appearing on her face.
"O-Oh my."
"Finally decided to use your glasses? Good because I'm not going to sit here silent and continue watching this crime!"
Lotte stayed deathly silent but I didn't care for that, Like the crooks knew of my intentions they were already leaving the canteen, with y/n.

Leaving the room as fast as I could I was afraid I had almost lost track of them until I did something I should do more; keep silent and listen.

Bingo, they're on the second floor. Must've taken the stairs back in the cafeteria.

Running up the stairs in an almost feral manner I once again came across a empty hall until I ran to the end of it and saw them, Hannah and Barbara just about to take the stairs up. I wanted Diana and more importantly y/n but they deserved retribution. Just as they were about to leave my sight I yelled at them.

"Wait just a moment you bullies!"

To be Continued 

Yandere Atsuko "Akko" Kagari x reader: Passion and NeedWhere stories live. Discover now