Lies and truth

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    Hinata hesitated he didn't know what to say what to do what to tell and what to hide his thoughts were all over the place

Kageyama: well? Is everything ok?

Hinata: I guess there's no point in hiding it anymore

Kageyama: hide what?

Hinata: let me explain

      Hinata started telling him everything that person told him how he was weak, useless, worthless and is going to be replaced sooner or later, he told him everything not leaving one bit of detail, he hesitated at some point but continued, he also told him about his dad how he used to abuse him and hit his mother, everything he did his dad thought wasn't good enough and when he left him at the age of four he was happy, he hugged kageyama tighter but at the end he let go and turned to the other side

Hinata: I am sure you think I am weak and useless now, and your going to leave me
*tears started flowing*

   Kageyama still processing what happened, trying to find the right words to cheer his little tangerine

Kageyama POV : all of this happened, who would do that to you, and why would you think that

Kageyama: hinita turn around and look at me

Hinita POV : *turns around but his eyes still closed* he's gonna yell at me, tell me to leave , hate me , I don't wanna open my eyes, I wanna leave

Kageyama: hinita open your eyes and look at me

    He slowly opens his eyes ready for all the pain to reappear

Kageyama: baby, I won't hate you, why would I  knowing that all he said was lies, everything he said was wrong he is just an idiot whose jealous of you and your talent

Hinata: y-you *sniff* t-think *sniff* so

Kageyama: yes baby I do now stop crying *wipes his tears* or

Hinata: *giggles* or what?

Kageyama: *tickles him* I will tickle you forever


Kageyama: ok ok I will stop

Hinata: hahah...hahaha heh *yawns*

Kageyama: your sleepy

Hinata: yea...but don't I need to take the pill

Kageyama: sleep now and if you have trouble doing so I will give you the pill

Hinata: ok

    Kageyama sits up a bit and let's his little tangerine sleep on his chest, he slept instantly without hesitation

Kageyama POV : so cute

    Suddenly kenma kuro bokuto suga daichi and many other people enter

Kageyama: shhhhh he's sleeping

Kenma : that's good he needs to get rest

Yamaguchi: did he tell you anything

Kageyama: everything

Suga: even about that day

Kageyama: *looks at hinata * yea, he hesitated at some point but said everything

Daichi: can you tell us

Kageyama: sure

    Kageyama proceeds to tell them everything, every single detail, didn't leave one bit, after that, everyone was either more concerned or in tears

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