Chapter 8 : Fashion Week

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Light was flashing from every directions. Not blinking even once, Win continued to pose for the camera. It was a red carpet for a fashion week event he attended. Being a model, an influencer particularly, wasn't easy. His manager has scheduled various events and works for one year ahead.

"I hope that makes the front page. My eyes hurt from the flash," Win mumbled as he walked away from the stage into the hall of said fashion show. He was devastated enough, even before the event started.

The room was already loaded with guests seated here and there. Full of chatter and anticipation of the current event. Couldn't care less more, Win marched straight to his designated seat. It was on the front row, the closest to catwalk. Win rested his back on the relatively soft, white silk covered chair.

However, he wasn't actually resting. Everyone looked like a landmine, ticking and ready to explode at any moment. CEOs, influencers, models. They could be a long-time acquaintance, but turned into enemy the next second. Just because a slip of tongue.

Once he entered the industry, Win was unconsciously obligated to the rule. He has to keep smiling and mind his manner in front of peoples. Of course, P'Mild's an exception. She was the one who introduced the modelling world to him after all.

Soon after, the hall got darker except for the catwalk—indicating the event is about to start. Spotlight placed on an MC introducing bit and bops of the fashion week event. After a long credit to sponsors, it was officially begun when the first model walked down the catwalk.

As usual, their attires weren't something ordinary. Sometime it's elegant, sometime it's unique, and sometime it's eccentric. Well, that's how a fashion event should be. And a model's job is to make the clothes shine even brighter. That was the first thing Win learnt as he begun to pursue this career.

It was all mind-numbing noises until he spot something odd. Or maybe, rather familiar figure. "P'Tay..??" he exclaimed in low voice. The said person was moving here and there, taking pictures of the model up the stage. He was bewildered by the sight of someone—who's a clown in daily—looking so professional doing their job.

'I should greet him later after the event.'



The crowd was gone and lights was about to be shut down. Most of them—the rest of the staffs, part-timers, and guests—already left the space. Only a few staffs remained at the venue to clean up the mess, as well as re-evaluating the event. A man was looking busy cleaning and tidying up his camera and stuff when a cheerful tone greeted his ear.

"Sawasdee, P'Tay!" He turned his back to see a slightly taller person, smiling in front of him. "Win! Sawasdee. I thought you went back?"

"Wait, so you've seen me?" Win's upper eyelids and eyebrows were slightly rose up in surprise. P'Tay nodded in response.

"Of course! You sit in the front seat, how could I not see you?"

The younger man pouted as if he was five. "Oho.. It's kinda upsetting. So you'll just ignore it and not going to tell me that you're also here until the end if I'm not here for you first. Is that it?" Soon after, Win chuckled it out. "I'm joking Phi."

"Euh. I get it. Come to think of it.. we often meet coincidentally lately don't we?" Both of them continue to have a chit-chat. However, Win's sight were out of focus. His pupil were wavering as if looking for something. P'Tay smirked, he noticed what was the rising model purpose greeting him in the first place.

"Looking for Bright?"




A/N : Long time no see! Sorry for the lack of update ㅠㅠ I will be taking a hiatus (again) since things have been busy for me. The next update will probably updated on December or January next year 🥺 Thank you for patiently waiting, and also thank you for the enthusiasm!❤️

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