We see each other only at weddings and funerals Part 4

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We walked into the back yard where Ben's statue was, Luther was holding the ashes and sat in the rain. Mom had memory loss, unfortunately. When Luther scattered the ashes the rain plopped onto the ground like sand. After Pogo's speech, meanwhile, Klaus was smoking and possibly not caring. Luther tried pulling back the tears but couldn't handle it and started crying.
"He leaves behind a complicated legacy-," Pogo was saying until Diego cut him off,
"He was a monster," Me and Klaus started laughing as he continued, "He was a bad person and a worse father, the world's better off without him."
"Diego!" Allison intervened,
"My name is Number Two, you know why." Allison shook her head in disgust as he continued, "Because our father couldn't be bothered to give us actual names, he had Mom to do it."
"Would anyone like something to eat?" exclaimed Mom happily.
I felt bad for Mom, but this wasn't the time to feel sorry for a robot. Diego kept insulting our father, but I couldn't get involved and neither could Five since we had disappeared.

Luther told Diego to stop, and Diego being Diego, didn't. Klaus looked at Five then at me. A fight broke out between Luther and Diego. I remember when I used to fight with Five when it was only us two. Pogo tried telling them to stop, but they didn't, and Klaus put his arm in front of me and Five and made us step back, when Five realized, he shoved Klaus's hand down and stared at him, then looked back at the fight. A punch flew there, another over there, and through it, all Klaus did was yell Hit him! Hit him! Pogo went back inside and Five sighed, " I don't have time for this." And dragged me inside. From what Klaus told me, the fight had gotten intense, Ben's statue got knocked over, and his head fell off. Diego threw one of his knives at Luther. He held his arm and went back inside.

17 years ago- During Training

We needed to run up a tall staircase, to see how fast we could get up. Vanya blew the whistle and everyone started running up the stairs. I teleported in front of everyone and so did Five. Me and him had the same powers and practically did everything together.
"That's not fair! Five and Eight are cheating!" exclaimed young Diego,
"They adapted," said Reggie.

Dad made us get tattoos of an umbrella. Allison was hugging Diego, while she was crying, and holding her wrist and Diego was managing to hold the tears in. Five too was doing a good job at not crying but I could tell from his face that the pain was too much. I was crying too and was holding on to Five. He did his best to make me feel better, but I had never felt such pain at that age. Vanya didn't get a tattoo, which made me feel bad so I drew one on her.


I said goodbye to Vanya and she left. I reckoned I couldn't see her for a while until I remembered that the Apocalypse was coming.

"Where's Vanya," asked Allison,
"She's gone," said Klaus,
"That's unfortunate," mentioned Five while holding a cup to fill with coffee, "An entire square block, 42 bedrooms, 19 bathrooms."
"but no, not a single drop of coffee," I cried while looking through the kitchen cabinets, "What did Dad drink? Juice?"
"Dad hated caffeine," pointed Allison,
"Well, he hated children too."
"And he had plenty of us," Said Klaus agreeing with my point, Five looked at me, and I smiled,
"I'm taking the car!" I said,
"Where are you going?" Klaus said.
"To get a decent cup of coffee," said Five in his best threatening voice.
"Do you even know how to drive?" Allison asked annoyed.
"I know how to do everything," and with that, me and him teleported away.
"I want to stop them, but I also want to see how this goes," Klaus said to Allison.
I turn on the engine and Five gives me his assassin smile, "Drive for godsake!"

We start driving and find a nearby cafe called Griddy's Doughnuts, we park the car and walk inside. We sat at the main counter by ourselves until a man looks inside. He must've been a trucker and he turned around and looked at us. Five sighed as the waitress was coming towards us.
"So what'll it be?" she asked,
"Give me a chocolate eclair," said the trucker dude,
"Sure, can I get the kids a glass of milk or something?"
"The kids want coffee," Five said,
"Black," I added, holding up two fingers,
"Cute kids," she said, before seeing Five do his scary-cute-kid smile. I complained to Five that this place used to be so much better, and he sighed and agreed, we talked about the fun we had when we were kids, and the man stared at us in disbelief. The waitress gave us our coffees and we turned towards the man, he was a towing service trucker.
"You must know your way around the town, huh," I started,
"Yeah, I hope so I've been driving it for 20 years," he responded,
"Good, because we need an address," continued Five.

The trucker dude left the cafe, and me and Five continued to drink our coffee. Five looked at the service bell and saw some unpleasant people. He nudged me and I looked too.
"Hmm, that was fast," Five said, "I thought we'd have more time before they found us,"
"Ok, so let's all be professional about this," A black guy fully suited in anti-bullet gear said, "On your feet and come with us, they want to talk."
"We've got nothing to say," said Five raising his eyebrows and looking inside his coffee cup.
"It doesn't have to go this way, you think I wanna shoot a kid? Going home with that conscience?"
"Oh I wouldn't worry about that," I said smiling, "You won't be going home." Me and Five each got a butter knife and teleported behind some men, I stabbed one in the head and another in the chest. They tried shooting around but continued to miss us. Five stabbed one in the eye and I stabbed one on the back of the head again. We kept on distracting them which made it fun, we teased them and stabbed them, all with the help of a handy butter knife. Five took a broom and stabbed, one in the side of the stomach and I strangled one against a chair, using Five's tie, that I stole during the shooting.

I took it off the dead person's body and gave it back to him, and as he fixed it and knotted it around his neck, I went and sat on the counter, with my butter knife. Five sat on the counter seat, I took his arm and cut it, blood came pouring out and he winced,
"Sorry," I said, and he shook his head, I shoved my fingers into his arm and took out the microchip. Five did the same with me, but I let out a tear.

Shortly after we bandaged it up with tissues, we walked outside and dropped out microchips into a puddle, and walked to the car, and Five iconically fixed his tie.

As Vanya walking into her apartment, me and FIve sat there staring at her. "Jesus," she said,
"You should have locked your windows," he replied,
"I live on the second floor," she said locking her door.
"Rapists can climb," I said moving my hair from my face,
"You two are so weird," she sighed, and I agreed, but soon disagreed when Five stared at me. She looked at us, "Is that blood?" Truth was that we hadn't realized that we were stained in blood.
"It's nothing," Five said, while I was trying to clean my sleeve,
"Why are you here?"
"I've decided you're the only one I can trust,"
"We," I corrected, before going back to cleaning my sleeve,
"Why me?" Vanya continued,
"Because you're ordinary," Five said, I winced and tried correcting Five,
"Because you'll listen,"
Vanya got up and went into the bathroom to get some bandages and disinfectant, then came back and started to aid us.
"When me and Eight were stuck in the future, you know what we saw?" Five admitted, "Nothing. Absolutely nothing."
"As far as we could tell, we were the last two people alive," I said, remembering the broken buildings, and the fires. We never figured out what made it happened but we found out the date, "The world ends in eight days and we don't know how to stop it." Vanya looked down sadly, slowly taking in the news, and realizing.

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