Chapter 1

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Y/n pov

I was walking through the halls of my school. My vision was fixated on the floor, I didn't dare look up.




The students muttered as they saw me walking past them. 'I'm none of those things...'

"Can you walk a little faster?!" A boy said as he pushed me to the floor.

"S-sorry..." I looked up at his figure, his dull eyes looked at mine. I tried to gather my things from the floor but my book was thrown to the other side of the hall.

"Look at can't even pick up a book. Pathetic." He walked away, his shoes making a clicking noise as they hit the glossy floor.

"You fucking asshole, what did she do to you?!" A voice called out to the boy. The voice belonged to a very important person to me. To my only friend. My only hope.

"She's just useless...if you can't find a soulmate, staying here is pointless." He left without another word.

"Are you okay Y/n?" My friend asked me as I continued getting my things together.

"Yes, Mikasa." She helped me get up and accompanied me on my way to my class.

Mikasa was my only friend because she was like me...she didn't have a soulmate.

It all started like this...


"I'm sorry Y/n, but no one is matching your personality." The principal spoke as he looked into my eyes.

"What...does that mean?" I asked confused. I didn't understand what was happening.

"You don't have a soulmate yet." The principal spoke, pitying me.

'Soulmate...what's that.' Here I was, a ten year old girl who has no soulmate. I didn't even know what a soulmate is, but all I knew was that I needed one.

This is the third time I've had this conversation and as far as I know the principal only had it with me...since all the other kids already had someone. Except that girl.


"Hey, no one matches your personality too right?" I asked the girl. She had jet black hair and beautiful gray eyes.


"Well it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm
Y/n L/n, I'm ten years old and I have no soulmate. We should be friends." I reached my hand out to her. She looked at me like I was crazy but I needed someone that could understand me.

"Mikasa. Mikasa Ackerman." She shook my hand and told me to sit next to her.


A year passed...and the bullying started.

"You have no soulmate right? Ha! What a loser." The girl kept saying that sentence in my ear like those were the only words she knew.

"I heard your parents left you here when you were a baby. I bet they didn't even want you in the first place." Another girl continued. I stood there, with my head buried in my hands, listening to all these horrible statements. 'Please make it stop.'

"Can you even speak? Or are you that dumb?" 'Please...stop.'  Tears started running down my cheeks.

"Leave her alone." My head instantly shot up, recognizing the voice as Mikasa's.

"Wait...aren't you like her? You don't have a soulmate either!" Mikasa glared at the girls and continued talking.

"!" The girls clicked their tongues but left me least for now. Mikasa knew how to protect herself. She was strong emotionally and physically so that's why she didn't get bullied. The other students were kind of scared of her so they didn't dare talk to her.

"Thank you." I said honestly.

"No problem..."

End of flashback

I'm now fifteen years old and pretty much nothing has changed. I'm still getting bullied and Mikasa still saves me every time like she did just now. 

The boarding school works like this. Once the teacher finds out what type of personality you have, they will find another student that matches your personality and assign them as your soulmate. After you've found your soulmate, you're supposed to share a room and bond with each other. The school would give them 'missions' to complete to see how well they understand each other and if they are truly compatible. Parents can visit once a month...but mine never came.

"Earth to Y/n!" I was took out of my thoughts by Mikasa. She was waving her hand in front of my face, trying to get my attention.

"Y-yes. I'm here." I said, confirming my presence.

"You sure, you okay?" She asked me once again.

"Yeah...I'm used to it at this point." It was true...I was used to it. I mean how could I not be, I've been bullied since I was eleven. Mikasa gave me a sad look before sighing and walking. I fastened my pace, catching up to her. We walked inside the classroom and sat at our usual place. We were learning pretty much everything that was taught in a normal school. The only difference was that we had one special class that was only once a week where students who didn't have a soulmate yet would get one and they would basically talk to each other for the whole class. And tomorrow...that special class is going to take place.

Two hands slammed on my table making me flinch.

"Look who we have here." The red haired girl said while looking at me. A smirk appeared on her lips once she saw how startled I was.

I recognized the girl as Isabel Magnolia and the two boys who were standing beside her were Furlan Church and Levi Ackerman. These three students started picking on me just recently...actually only two of them. Levi was in their group but he didn't really bully me he just kinda stood there every time and didn't say anything.

"Isabel just go away. Y/n has had enough." Mikasa defended me as ususal

"Can't she speak for herself?" Furlan intervened.

Mikasa started arguing with them for me, but I wasn't paying attention...I was looking at Levi, who I noticed was looking at me.

'He's scary.'

Hello guys, this is the first chapter of this story, I hope you enjoyed it. I'll see you next time, bye!

From Lin to reader-chan♥️

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