chapter 7

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Grace POV

I can't belive that Hayes said that, I was shocked of what I'd heard. Anyways Magcon is in 3 days a d I'm not even packed. " Oh no I need to pack, now" I said, " Um Grace, what are you talking about" I turned around to see Hayes and Nash giving me a weird face.

"Oh umm, I need to pack for magcon, sorry but bye, I'll see you I  a few hours" and with that I went upstairs.

Nash POV

"Hayes, what does she mean by well see her in a few hours" I sled Hayes.

"Umm I don't no, maybe we can go and ask her" Hayes said and with that we went up stairs to her room. I open the door to see her on her floor with stuff all around her.

"Umm Grace what are you doing" I asked her, "I'm packing, why" she said


Hey guys sorry for taking a while to update and sorry for the chapter being really short, it's just cause I'm going through a lot of stuff at home and at school but I'll try and update soon promise

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