Another Talk With Bobby

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I said yes, then we talked
(B for Bobby Y for you)
B:so um how are you
Y:I'm ok what about you
B:of I'm beinh honest, not that good, you have been on my mind for days
B:ye but I saw how I stated at that new boy. Its breaking me to say this but it's like when we first met, you have that one look
Y:um, what look
B:the look that you want to be with them
Y:oh, er I have to go now Ali is waiting for me bye

Whilst I was walking to lunch I couldn't help but to think about what Bobby said, about the look.
I'm basically transparent to him,he just knows everything.

Me and Ali where walking and I just wanted to talk to her about what has been on my mind.
(A for Ali Y for you)
Y:um Ali can we talk about something
A:yes of course what is it
Y:me and Bobby had a chat and he could tell I liked the new boy by a look, am I that transparent
A:no your not, but it's Bobby. He just knows with you, you to have a special connection.
I really think you and Bobby should give it another try because me and Jimmy where taking earlier and he said about how Bobby wouldnt stop talking about how much he messed up with everything and he would kill to have you in his arms again
Y:erm, I don't know. I still love him but I'm just confused. I will ring him tonight and just try and talk

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