Chapter 10 - a day at sea POV Ellie

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It's morning and Sarah is fast asleep next me. She stayed over that first night when I fed her until her jeans exploded and she's basically never left. That was a month ago. She's all wrapped up in the sheets, snoring ever so slightly. I spoon her and wrap my arms around her as best I can. She has put on what feels to me like 30 pounds since we met. Her stomach has stretched considerably making it easier for her to eat more and she does so without question now. She moans in her sleep with delight as I run my hands over her soft belly. It is a series of rolls now. The most serious one at the bottom and then they get smaller as they get higher. When she lays on her side, like she is now, I can easily slide my whole hand underneath her stomach. She stretches and yawns and rolls onto her back. She looks amazing. Her face is rounder, there is a softness under her chin that I nuzzle into. 

"Time to get up, Fatty." I whisper. She has officially, proudly earned the nickname. "It's time to swim."

This is part of the ritual. Not usual, yes, but I know the risks associated with this kind of rapid weigh gain and I want her healthy on top of fat and happy. She slips into her suit. Still a two piece of course. The third size up that I've had to purchase for her.  Her breasts have grown two cup sizes. Her body is round and jiggly but also tan and strong under her new layer of fat. She dives into the pool and swims for a half-hour. 

"I'm starving." She says as she get out of the pool. "What's on the menu?" 

"Didn't I tell you? It's a pancake buffet this morning."

She towels off, throws on a crocheted beach dress, (also new, her last one was far too small) and I watch her saunter down toward the buffet area. Her ass has grown along with the rest of her and she's started to swing her hips when she walks. Not a like a waddling fat woman, like a seductive goddess. People watch her as she passes and she loves the eyes, the whispers, the attention. I grab her hand before she turns into the dining area. 

"Not yet." I walk her into the gym. 

"I already did my exercise."

"Don't get cranky." I joke with her. " I thought it might be fun to try something different."

She furrows her brow unsure. I lead her to the locker room and point to the scale. She recoils slightly. 

"I haven't stepped on a scale since before the cruise started." 

"And what did you weigh then?"


I smile, she's way over that now. "Jump on."

She looks apprehensive for the first time in ages. 

"What if it's really bad?" She asks. 

"There's no such thing as bad, but you don't have to weigh yourself. I just thought it would be fun to take your weight before pancake breakfast and after."

There's a glimmer of a smile in hearing that, but she's still not stepping on.

"Answer me honestly. How did you feel at 142 pounds?"

She looks down, "awful."

"And how do you feel in your body right now, in this moment?"

She smirks, "Amazing."

"Exactly, you have an opportunity to change your relationship with the scale the same way you have changed your relationship with your body."

She chews her lip. A sure tell that she's in for this next feeding. 

"Okay. I'll get on and weigh myself before and after pancakes --  with one condition." She flashes me a wicked smile. "You've got to do it with me."

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