Bakuhoe - Chapter 11

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I woke up on a cold wet floor feeling pain shooting through out my body. I slowly got up feeling something pulling on my leg, I looked down to see a chain wrapped around my ankle connected with the wall. 

Just my fucking luck.

I looked around the dark damp basement seeing the walls damn near falling apart. The celling looked like it was 4 seconds away from collapsing. I sighed and walked as far as the chain would let me go. I looked up and saw a camera in the corner pointed at me.

Now I know damn well-

"Uhh Y/n. Alpha said your hear until Tuesday." A voice came rom the intercom. It was my closest friend that was here, Jaxon.

"Wowwwwwwww." I said throwing my hands up. Why is this man so fucking petty.

"Yeah thats what I said. You want some hot pockets?"


"Alright I'll be down in a few."

He was the only real friend I had here. Everyone here for some reason hates me. Probably influenced by Alpha, he's such a fucking hater. It's crazy how he thought I killed my parents. When it was-

"Hey you want the pepperoni or the steak one? Because I brought both."


He came in down the stairs and brought me the hot pockets on a plate. I thanked him and began to eat them.

"What'd you do this time?"

"Nothing on purpose... the media just took videos and pictures of me and this other guy in wolf form. It was on the news and everything."

"Ohhhh that's was you, I thought so."

"What the- the hell is that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing, just looked familiar."

"Hm." I said eating the second hot pocket.

"I don't think you'll be in here for long, you know how Alpha is."

"I'll give it like 2 days."

"You know he likes you..."

"Oh, that's nasty."

"NOT like that stupid."



3 days later

I slowly walked into the dorms looking around to see if anyone was there, luckily it was empty. I closed the door behind me and made my way to my room successfully. I pulled off my clothes and took a shower. I washed my hair and body twice. I felt gross from being in that ghetto ass basement. I put leave-in in my hair and then tied it in a low bun with little strands hanging. I wrapped a towel around me and walked out the bathroom.

I lotioned and put on one of Bakugo's hoodies and sweatpants. I played in my bed hugging a pillow because of my cramps, of course id start my period now. #blessed.

I grabbed my phone and went Bakugo's contact, hesitating to press call. Fuck it, I wanna cuddle.

I facetimed Bakuhoe and he picked up instantly.



He hung up and I started at the phone.

What the?

Suddenly, Bakugo busted through my door and stomped to me.


"I told you I had to talk to-"

"For 3 days??"

"He wanted to TeaCh mE a LeSsoN" I said rolling my eyes.

I groaned holding the pillow tighter feeling tears form up in my eyes.

"Hey hey what's wrong?" He said sitting beside me rubbing my leg.


"Is that why you called me?"

"YES NIGGA." I said snuggling in the pillow.

He played down next to big spooning me and rubbing my stomach while activating his quirk. This man was literally a heat pad. He started to hum to me and rubbed my head with his other hand. I started to fall asleep feeling at ease for once.


2 weeks later~

To update, Bakuhoe actually asked me to be his girlfriend and of course I said yes. We went on a few dates here and there most of them being movie nights in his room eating whatever. And our friends don't know that we're dating we wanted to keep it secret. Now back to the present-

Later I woke up feeling hungry, so I went downstairs to the kitchen and looked in the pantry for anything that was appetizing.

"Mcht. Aint shit in here." I said to myself.

I looked in the fridge and saw a cheesecake from yesterday.


I grabbed it and sat on the counter near the sink eating it.

Fuck this is good.

I took out my phone and scrolled on instagram liking random pictures.

"What are you doing up idiot."

I turned around seeing a sleepy Bakuhoe making his way to me.

"I was hungry." I said showing him the cheesecake.

"Hm. I was gonna eat that." He said in a raspy voice.

"MCHT this is mine you punk!" I said shooing him away.

He laughed and started to rub my legs.

"What do you want." I said furrowing my eyes at him.

"Nothing baby."

I damn near melted from him calling that.

I rolled my eyes and cut piece from my cake and gave it to him. He smiled and ate the piece.

"How'd you know?"

"Because I know yo ass." I said eating a piece myself.

"Mhmm." He hummed kissing me. "Cmon lets go to bed."



Sorry the was kinda short I just wanted to get at least something out bc this military life aint it rn

my damn ssgt sick bc she got the covid vaccine. tf how you get sick from something that's suppose to make you NOT sick Chile anyways....

hope y'all enjoyed this and staying safe

the next chapter I wanna add some drama😭 shit yall should know by now I like to keep shit interesting.

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