Indo vs Ripper

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It's been two weeks. There's been no news of Ripper and Indo has spent the time training,eating and sleeping. I don't know how but he seems stronger than before, not just because of the training. He seems more focused and he also a caged animal waiting to kill. He's gone back to what he looked like when we first met, cold,quiet and violent. His eyes are even different, before they were like he didn't care unless he was with me or Indi bit now...they're angry. Indo was currently sleeping, another thing I've noticed is he sleeps more peacefully. The sun started to rise and it came through the tent entrance landing on Indo's face. He slowly woke up and he smiled when he saw me. I smiled back and he sat up and stretched.


Indo:morning, how long have you been awake?

Blue:not long, I was waiting for you

He stood up.



TIMESKIP brought to you by chibi Indo and Blue eating.


I finished my breakfast quickly and I was doing pull ups. I need to get better, I need to get stronger. Over the two weeks I have grown in muscle mass but that won't be enough to kill Ripper. Indi walked over to me and I dropped down.

Indi:Indo, Silas wants you

I nodded and walked toward Silas's tent. I entered.

Indo:you wanted to see me?

Silas:yeah we have news...the tunnel systems has been blown and a raid on Washington was attempted and succeeded. We think it was Ripper. Reports said they saw a man carrying three prisoners

Indo:so he's on his way

Silas:your still going to fight him?

Indo:got no choice, I will kill him

I heard rapid footsteps behind us and a soilder came in.

Soilder:sir we have three hostages outside and a man demanding for blood?

I walked out. Finally...I'm going to finish this. I walked toward the gate and I saw Indi standing there.

Indi:you don't have to do this

Indo:I do, don't let Blue watch this

The gates opened and I walked through. I saw Ripper standing there behind Rexy,Spike and Karn. They were bruised and looked barely alive.

Ripper:sorry I took so long, I had to do alot of killing

Indo:hand them over now

Ripper:fine then down to business

He kicked them all forward and soilders came out and helped them. Karn looked at me.


Indo:you'll be fine

They brought them back in.

Ripper:so Indo like we on one, no holds bard fight to the death. I'll let you decide Raptor or Human?


Ripper:I was hoping you'd say that!

He got on all fours and began to transform. The form was different than the Indoraptor form.

 The form was different than the Indoraptor form

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