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I promised when we got to two hundred I'd do a drunk Indo also this is set before Indo went to get Hover.


I woke up on the coach with a massive headache I then hear

"Look who's finally up"

I look to see Indi eating breakfast.

"What the fuck....... happend"

"You got super drunk last night and you only had five drinks"

I then fell off the coach. Indi helped me up and gave me a glass of...eggs?



"It helps just swallow it down"

I drink it and oh god it was terrible.

"Holy shit that's bad!"

"I know"

"So wait... remind me what happend last night"

"Ok so some kid was throwing a party for whatever reason Blue invited us to go you didnt want to but you still did"


"Once we got there had a chat with a few people Adam made you try alcohol. And that was the start of what I like to call the drunk Indo scale"

"The what?"

"Just listen.
One drink Indo is a little tipsy.
Two drink Indo is loud.
Three drink Indo got on the roof and screamed a mating call at the moon for two minutes.

"Wait what?"

"Yeah Blue was blushing the entire time"

"Oh for fucks sake"

I am never drinking again.

"Four drink Indo is very confident.
And five drink Indo is basically vilont you on meth"

"Fuck I wondered why I'm bleeding"

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