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Hermosa's POV

It's been two weeks since I was here and Dai has been an ass hole. We always fight but luckily I remain victorious. I have started training also and its no joke. Diego goes easy on me but Maria does not. She says I must get stronger. To match up Dai.

I don't even want to experience the High Priestess fight. I'll be dead with just only a glare. Even Dai is afraid of her. Maria even told me she's stronger than the Omni King, new Queen, Prince and Princess. Zus, Rela, Zeru and Zenia.

"Dear what do you think of James?" Angela asked while she was caressing my hair. It felt very comfortable. And her soft touch makes me shiver.

"Well do not mind my words but I think he's an A-hole. He's terrible and always bossing me around," I said honestly and she chuckled.

"Ohoho that's very honest my darling. James is a hard head, do not mind him," she said and I smiled.

"I think you should join Dai to Royal School," she said and I frowned.

"Will I ever fit in? Well it's Royal because it's for Royals. And I'm not one of them," I said.

"James will help you just fine dear. And I see you fitting in very well," she said stroking my cheek before continuing with my hair.

"I don't think he even likes me"

"He'll grow my dear. He'll grow to like you. Not let's go and have launch," she said and I stood up. I was going to make a bun of my hair but she stopped me.

"You look more beautiful like this," I blushed slightly at her compliment.


Next Day
Dai's POV

What's taking so long? I should have teleported by now. Mother came out with a beautiful girl with long hair reaching her waist. God she's very beautiful. I felt myself blush seeing her and my eyes were focused on her only. Who is this girl?

"Who is this Ms Angela?" she asked and mother giggled. Why does her voice sound like Hermosa's?

"Yes I would like to know the same about her"

"Let me introduce you two. James meet Hermosa and Hermosa meet James," she said and I was eye wide. Hermosa always has a bun up. And she must not recognise me because I'm at my full form.

"Oh um. L-let's go," I said turning away still blushing.

"I don't want anything bad happening to Hermosa. Make sure she's safe," mother said and I grunted. She grabbed my shoulder lightly and I shivered.

"Good luck"

We then teleported away and appeared at the gates of Royal high. It's mostly mortals and they do not know about the Gods here.

"Come on we're in the 12th grade. Seeing your appearance I would say you're like 17 years?" I asked and she shook her head.

"I don't know if I'm human or not but I'm 183 years old," she said and I was eye wide.

"Same as me...and Zeru," I mumbled the last part. "Okay let's go"


Time Skip

"Who's the smart hotty James?" Grodon asked with some of his friends. Hermosa has made a reputation for herself being the smart one. Solving the maths teacher hard equation. I was also surprised by this.

"It's non of your business. Let's go," I took her hand and left. I felt protective of her. Not by mothers words but by mine.

I don't like her talking to other boys rather than me.

Demon out😈

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