Chapter 10

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June 19th, 2003

Denton Valley, New York

Sheriff Station

"I think you know the rest," I said, clasping my hands in front of me and looking up at Doctor Reid. "I told you it was convoluted, but I think I covered just about everything. Questions?"

Doctor Reid, who had done such an amazing job of maintaining his composure throughout the entire rant, sank back in his chair, looking both defeated and intrigued. I wondered what he was thinking.

After a few moments of silence, he stood up without a word and left the room with Agent Hotchner.

I waited for several long minutes, eventually leaning forward and resting my head on my folded arms. I was exhausted and I smelled and I was starving and all I wanted to do was hibernate for a week to regain all my strength. Right as I was about to nod off, the door opened and I sat up.

"You're free to go. We just got off the phone with our supervisor," Agent Hotchner said, a slightly bewildered look on his face.

"As I suspected. I can absolutely guarantee that the order came down from the Rangers."

"I don't know about that, but your friend is here, and we can't hold you any longer."

I rose to my feet and stretched again. My shoulders popped and I didn't have the full range of motion with my left side, but I really didn't care at this point. Food and sleep. That was all I wanted

"You didn't believe a single word I said, did you," I stated, looking down at the charts and lists I'd created.

Hotchner fixed me with his stern stare and considered my comment.

"I believe that you believe it's real."

"Next you're going to call me Verbal or Keyser Söze," I teased, leaning forward and tearing off a corner of paper. I scribbled down my phone number. "But when you come across something unexplainable, give me a call and I'll see what I can do."

I handed Hotchner the paper and squeezed past him into the heart of the Denton Valley Sheriff Station. All eyes turned to me.

"Do I get my things back?" I asked over my shoulder.

"Doctor Reid is getting them for you right now," Hotchner said.

"Fantastic. I really like that ax."

I leaned against the door jamb and waited for the good doctor, spotting Quill standing by the front desk, arguing with Sheriff James. He caught my eye briefly and I nodded reassuringly.

"Here you go," Doctor Reid said, presenting me with everything that had been confiscated upon my arrival.

"What did you think?" I asked, curiosity getting the best of me as I accepted my ax and personal effects.

"About your story? It was well told, but it was still a story. Whoever your contacts are, they're well connected," Reid replied.

I shook my head in disappointment. I had hoped for better.

"Then how do you explain this?" I asked, holding up my wrist, which still had half of the handcuffs dangling from it. "Did my drug panel come through?"

"It did, but we're running it again."

"That's not going to tell you anything new. Why would I have requested it in the first place if I knew it wouldn't back up my side of things?"

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