39 // Jisung

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Imagine - 39
Jisung - 8
(Y/F/N =your full name)

- You and Jisung first met when you were kids at school

- You were his first love/big crush

- because of how shy he was and Jisung being a trainee at the time

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- because of how shy he was and Jisung being a trainee at the time

- he didn't get to speak to you as much as you wished

- but you both ended up going separate ways when he debuted.

- Years later you get a job/internship to film a music video

- being with a group called NCT Dream

- once you get there, Jisung remembers you instantly

- he can't keep his eyes off you

- Jisung even gushes to his members about you

- "Y/F/N isn't it" Chenle teases
"I am" you reply
"Our Jisung-ie here went to school with you" Renjun laughs
"Oh yeah!" You remember

- while filming he couldn't help but smile seeing you

- while filming he couldn't help but smile seeing you

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- "it's great to see you again. You've aged amazingly" you say in aw
"Ah thank you, you've aged better" he stutters

- You get told to show the boys the thing they just recorded

- while showing them you can't help but notice Jisung being pushed closer to you by his members

- after everything wraps up and you're getting ready to clear everything up you feel a tap on your shoulder

- "I was wondering if it's okay if I could have your number before you" Jisung stutters
"Um of course" You smile

- You quickly reminisce about the past

- "I'm glad we got a second chance to meet again" Jisung says before leaving

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