American twit, Italian brothers.

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The door swung open revealing a boy in a faux leather jacket with fur and the number 50 on his back.

"You dude England, there is a new girl here!" He shouted.
"Yes, she is in here. Meet Feliciana Lucina.... Better known as Minxy to your Italian population you bloody twit." Arthur said.

I turned my pink head to face him from the couch, like hell I was going to get up... But the shower thou, it looks so inviting... I am taking a shower.

"Ciao L'America." I said in Italian.
"English nation dudette." He said.
"Hello America." I translated.
"Hello to you too, I'm Alfred F. Jones. The hero!" He said.

With that I stood up and walked to the large bathroom, locking the door as I turned the shower on. I was gonna shower then put my leggings and jacket back on, I reached into the compartment of my shoes and pulled out a small razor. The water ran for a bit longer as I sat in the tub and carved a small flower into my upper hip, I was told not to cut into my arms and wrists but they never knew about my thighs, back, and stomach.

"Never win first place
I don't support the team
Can't take directions
And my socks are never clean.
Teachers dated me
My parents hated me
I was always in a fight cause I can't do nothing right.
Everyday I fight a war against the mirror
can't take the person staring back at me.
I'm a hazard to myself,
don't let me get me,
I'm my own worst enemy.
It's bad when you annoy yourself
So irritating. Don't wanna be my friend no more I wanna be somebody else.
L.A told me you'll be a rock star all you have to Change is everything you are.
Tired of being compared to damn Brittany spears,
she's so pretty. That just ain't me.
So doctor doctor won't you please prescribed me something
A day in the life of someone else.
Cause I'm a hazard to myself
Don't let me get me,
I'm my own worst enemy.
It's bad when you annoy yourself
So irritating. Don't wanna be my friend no more I wanna be somebody else. (Wanna be somebody else)." I sang softly my voice echoing.

It seemed to have gotten quiet in the living room of the apartment building, shit did they hear me!? Oh why would I care?

'Because no one has heard you sing before!' My brain yelled.
"Shut up brain you stupid." I thought.
'Technically your calling yourself stupid Minxy.' Brian said.
"No I am calling you stupid." I thought snidely.

The water had become cold as I had my internal debate over not calling myself stupid. I got redressed pulled my hair into a high bun and walked back out of the bathroom.. I looked around and saw Arthur asleep on the couch a book over his lap, and glasses on his face. I smiled softly then went to the kitchen to see what the Brit had to eat, I saw a lot of tea and other British stuff causing me to sigh. I wrote a quick note and put my cell number on the paper saying I was gonna go to the Campus store to buy pasta for dinner.. I grabbed his apartment key and shut the door locking it, making my way to the door I spotted a boy in a uniform like Arthur's but it was blue and he had a curl on the side of his head.

"Ciao." I said walking by.
"Ve~ Ciao Bella." He said causing me to stop and turn around.
"You-a speak Italian?" I asked my nervous habit returning.
"Ve~ yes-a I do! Your Italian!" He squealed.
"Si my name is Feliciana Lucina, but I go by Minxy." I smiled.
"I'm-a Feliciano Vargas! You must be my Nyotalia~!" He chirped.

I sweat dropped, the hell was a Nyotalia!? I waved good bye to the Italian and raced to the store. He was oddly happy go lucky, but he was an Italian, strange though. I entered the store only to have my phone go off.

"You remind me of the babe. what babe? The babe with the power. what power? The power of voodoo. Who do? You do! Do what? You remind me of the babe!" My phone went off.
"Hello this is Minxy Lucina speaking." I said.
"Hey it's Arthur, what do you have planned for dinner?" He asked.
"I was thinking pasta and tomato sauce." I answered.
"Ok for desert grab some rocky rode icecream please." He asked.
"Sure England." I giggled.

we talked as I grabbed the pasta and spices, eventually he said he was going to take a shower so he hung up as I went into the aisle with tomatoes. A brunette was lifting tomatoes to a spaniard who was cooing over how cute said brunette was, I grabbed the red fruit from the case and sniffed it slightly.

"Hola señorita." The spaniard said.
"Ciao." I smiled causing the brunette to look at me.
"You speak Italian?" He asked.
"Si, I'm Feliciana Lucina. But I go by Minxy." I said sniffing another tomato and making a face.
"Señorita I am Antonio." The spaniard said.

The Italian brunette growled and cursed at Antonio causing me to snicker and put two perfect tomatoes into my basket.

"Ariva derachi." I said trying to get away.
"Wait, I'm Lovino Vargas." The Italian said.
"Your feliciano's brother." I stated.
"Yeah what about that bastardo.!?" He snapped bitterly.

I was taken back by his bitterness but it was the natural thing for him, Spain rubbed his back and cooed to him in Spanish.

"Nothing I just think that he needs some kind off ADHD medicine, he also called me his Nyotalia." I said.

I glanced at my phone and saw Britain had texted.

B- hey.
M- yo
B- was up, did you get lost?
M- no, talking to Spain and Romano.
B- really Romano!?
M- yeah what's the deal.. I thought you where showering.
B- I was.. Now I'm not, I'm going to snack on some cherries till you get back for dinner.. Ttyl Minxy.

I looked at Romano and Spain and laughed at them.

"Guys I got to go my room mate is spazzing about dinner. Ariva derachi." I said skipping away to pay for my food.

I grabbed the ice cream on the way through, I went to the cashier and payed the twenty bucks for the food. As I left I ran into America again and ended up with him walking me home, I bid America farewell and entered the apartment.


Dudes this story is on a roll.. Follow my other account WolfWind97 and me! I am in love with hetalia so this is my hetalia fanfiction account.. And maybe a few dabbles,. Ok comment what you think of this story. I have every single name to all the countries in hetalia (human names) most of their 2p's and some of their Nyotalia names.. I hope you enjoy this and read more. Thank you and welcome fully to the School, welcome to WORLD ACADEMY! *curtain falls* wrong way idiots!

Stage hand: sorry boss Johnny pulled the weight!

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