Legs :/

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'Please someone! I'm stuck here! Help!!!' I scream and knock on the door repeatedly
'Ughhh...nobody is going to hear me *I look at my watch* Mechi is probably sleeping' I say to myself
'Looks like I have to spend the night here' I say and let out a big sigh
I clean the bed a little and make it a little more comfortable fore myself because i'm not even wearing my pajamas
I then fall asleep Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...

Later in the middle of the night...
'Martina, what did Cody say?' Mechi says with her eyes closed
*knock knock* the door goes
'Wow, can't a girl just a sleep without someone interrupting??!' Mechi says mad and does her slippers on and walks to the door half asleep
'Special delivery fore miss.Castillo' the delivery boy says with a smile
'Oh hello, where can I sign?' Mechi asks
'Right here' he says and she signs and closes the door
'Mmm..Where is Martina?' Mechi asks herself and walks to her bed
'She is probably fine!' Mechi says and goes to sleep again

Meanwhile in room 419...
'It's so cold' I say to myself
I'm looking for the heater and then see that the heater is broken.
I try to make it warmer but it doesn't work I try to sleep in the cold air I feel

Next morning...
'Jorge, breakfast is ready!' Jorge's mother shouts
Jorge comes down
'Mom, I love with all my heart but I have to go' Jorge says to his mother and gives her a hug
'Why did you grow up so fast?' Jorge mother asks
'Mom... I will always be your little boy' Jorge says weird
'Ahw that's sweet, promise me you will be okay?' She asks
'I promise..!' Jorge says and laughs
'Bye, my boy' she says and Jorge leaves

'Hey man' Jorge says and walks to Cody
'Here is the keys to your room, and how was it visiting your mother?' Cody asks and gives him the eyes
'It was good, see you later man!' Jorge says and walks to the elevator
He walks out and sees Mercedes looking worried
'Hey Mechi, what's wrong?' Jorge asks her
'Martina is missing!' She says almost shouting
'What??' He says shouting
'I have to go now' Mechi says and walks away
Jorge walks to his room and puts the key in the door lock and then opens the door.
It was quit early so it was dark, He didn't turn the lights on because he was a bit tired so he directly went to bed. He walked to the heater and first it didn't want to go on but then it did. He laid in his bed when he suddenly feels someone next to him. He decides to turn the light on.

Jorge's POV
The light turns on and I see a girl sleeping in my bed. Her skin looks pale she doesn't move and when I put some hair behind her ear, I recognize it's Martina!
Oh my...
'Martina!' I say trying to wake her up I shake her but she still doesn't move
I removed some of the blankets and saw grey striped on her cheek and her legs. She must have cleaned my room!
I laid my hand on her cheek and it felt really cold, I tried making her warm and I also turned the heater in the highest but she didn't wake she just layed there doing nothing.
I blew so warm air on her face but still nothing.
I decided to just go lay next to her and cuddle her maybe my warm body will also make her body warm.

Hours later...
I went to the bathroom to take a shower I just got out when I see Martina trying to open her eyes. She opens them and looks at me and smiles.
End of Jorge' POV
'Jorge?' I said not believing that I saw him
'Martina!' He says And walks up to me
I also want to stand up but then suddenly I fall...
'What's with you?' Jorge asks worried
'I think I can't stand anymore' I say scared
'Martina, what happened with you?' Jorge asks me worried
'What do you mean?' I ask him and look at him weird
'First what are you doing here in Canberra?
Second why was you in my room looking pale?
Third I'm worried about you!' Jorge says and looks at me gazing in my eyes
'I came to find you!
I had to clean your room and then I was stuck in here and the heater didn't work so I slept in the cold air.
I'm happy you are worried about me' I say and he pulls me in a hug
'Let me help you walking' Jorge says and picks me up bridal-style and walks to my room

'Martina!!!' Mechi says happy when she sees me
'Hey Mechi' I say suddenly Jorge let's go of me and I fell on the ground again but he catches me just in time
'Sorry, I forgot' he says and smiles at me
'Forgot what?' Mechi asked him
'She can't walk' Jorge says still holding me in the catch position
'Let's go the the doctor then' Mechi says and takes her purse

At the hospital...
'We have bad news... Martina you will never be able to walk again!' The doctor says and I look at my legs and cry

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