▧ Mechi ▧

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I was on my laptop when suddenly someone wants to video-chat
Mechi.L wants to video-chat " with you?
Yes Or No
I clicked on the 'yes' button, maybe I didn't tell you but Mercedes is the only one I still have contact with. She is in Cordoba now I really wanna know what she wants to say.
Martina: Heyy Mechi
Mercedes: Hey Tini
Martina: What do want to say? :)
Mercedes: Well,... I'm coming back to Buenos Aires! Then I see Federico, Candelaria, maybe Lodovica, Jorge, you!
Martina: You still don't know?
Mercedes: What are you talking about?
Martina: Everyone left! first Lodovica, then Jorge..., then You and Candelaria also left...
Mercedes: Seriously, Jorge left you....
Martina: he didn't want too but we don't talk anymore.... ;(
Mercedes: I'm sorry, I just thought eveyone was still there
Martina: It's okay, I'm still happy that you are coming! :)
Mercedes: Yeah! I'm coming back tomorrow morning!
Martina: Okay then :) Byee x
Mercedes: No wait!!!
Martina: What?
Mercedes: I think you need to call him
Martina: Calling who?
Mercedes: Jorge...
Martina: I don't have his phone number, I think he has a new phone... :,(
Mercedes: But I have :)
Martina: Seriously! ☺️
Mercedes: Now go call your prince :) I will type it below :)
Martina: Oh god, Thank you Mechi ❤️ I love you :)
Mercedes: Not needed! I love you too! Now go call him! Bye x and see you tomorrow
*video- chat ended*

Seriously, maybe thinks are getting better!
Oh my God, now I can hear his beautiful voice again after all this time.
And Mechi is coming back :)
But I still need Jorge by my side.
I look around where is Princess (the cat remember)
Why is everything leaving me???
Well i'm going to call him now!

I take out my phone and dial his number. I put my phone on my ear
And I wait till he answers.
*phone call*
Jorge: Hello with Jorge
Martina: Hi :)
Jorge: Who is this?
Martina: I'm Martina remember!
Jorge: Martina Gonzalez, Of course I remember! Yesterday was fun
Martina: No... Martina Stoessel....
Jorge: Martina...
Martina: I miss you... *tears in her eyes*
Jorge: I....miss...I mean I never thought, I will hear your voice again
Martina: Me too but hey you are hearing me now :)
Jorge: Uhh... Yes I have to go! Bye
*end of phone call*
Martina: No wait...

He moved on... I see with a girl with the same name as me....

Next day...
I was waiting at the airport fore Mercedes, i'm happy she is coming back and I decided that she will stay in my house. Because I don't want to be alone.
Mechi? I say and hug her
Wow! Martina! You grew up! You are even beautifuler then you already was! Mechi says
Haha Thanks :) I say
Hey, Now we are both Blond :) Mechi says and looks at my hair
Yeah I know, I needed a change! I say and we walk to my car

Martina's house
So how did the phone call go? Mercedes asked me
He moved on Mechi... I say and tears wanted to fall down
Hey, don't worry! Maybe he just forget about you because you two were so far from each other! If he saw you know he will fall in love again! Mechi says and smiles
Hahah Thanks I say and hug her
I missed you so much! She says
Me too! Let's eat something I suggest and we walk to the kitchen

So, do you guys think Jorge forget about her? Or what?
Say it in the comments please :)
Hope you liked it :)

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