The rest of the summer seemed to be the longest one I've had in ages. I read about quidditch and potions, about famous wizards, like my uncle, Harry Potter, and he-who-must-not-be-named. I never was able to find out his real name. Neither was Dean or Justin, who spent most of their days, like me, locked up in Justin's study, reading. Finally, August 31st came, and I was all packed and ready for school. I stayed up later than usual, worrying. I worried that me, Dean, and Jus would be in separate houses. After studying for a while, we concluded that if we were going to be together, it would be in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. On the morning of the first, I get up at 7 o'clock sharp and shower. Justin's mum would be taking us to Kings Cross. His mum was the least busy of our three mums. I was waiting nervously at the door, when Mrs. Fletchleys car pulled up. I hug my mum goodbye, and  wheel my trunk towards the trunk of the car, which opens for me. Both boys, then get out of opposite sides of the car, and lift my trunk in the car. I mumble my thanks, before getting in the car, front seat, specifically. I had just hit a grow spurt, and am currently a bit taller than Jus. A lot taller than Dean. And a lot skinnier than a healthy child, well my torsos fine but my limbs... We arrive sooner than later, and I feel like puking out of nerves. "Platform 9 ¾." Mrs. Fletchley tells us, handing out our tickets. "I assume you could find it on your own!" She says, before kissing us all on the top of the heads. "Platform 9 ¾." Dean repeats. We wander a bit, before, finding platform 9 ½... and right after it, platform 10. Dean, of course, immediately resorts to asking for help, but I stop him, leading them to the side of the room, focusing on the place between platforms. I find my eyes landing on a large family of people with flaming red hair. There were four boys, one who looked about my age, the rest looking older. One girl, who looked younger than me. They had an owl. I stab my finger into Dean's ribs, and point with my other finger. We watch as two of the boys run straight through the wall! Another dark-haired fragile-looking boy our age, with an owl, who was hiding in the shadows rather close to us, walks up to the women. He seems lost, as well, and starts talking to the woman. He eventually runs right between platforms, at a run, just like the boys before. I dump my trunk onto Jus and Dean, and stride to the woman. She turns and smiles at me. "Excuse me, miss. To get on the platform, do we just..." She finishes for me. "Just get a running start, and go straight through the wall. If you're nervous, close your eyes. Go ahead and go right now." I grin at her kindness. "Well, actually, I better wait for my friends, we will go after you." She searches the room, and her eyes finally land on Jus and Dean. "Ok, dear. Just be quick." I smile again. "Thanks!" I say, walking back to Jus and Dean. I grab my trunk and Syrinx, and start wheeling us toward the platform. By now, the red haired family had gone. "Dean, you first." Dean shrugs, and falls through the wall. "Together?" I ask Jus, grabbing his hand. I don't give him time to think before we're on the platform. I look around at all the strange parents hugging their strange children goodbye. I spot Seamus Finnigan with a cranky-looking woman and wave. He walks over to us. "Hey guys. Shall we get on the train?" He says, in his whiny voice. We all nod, and walk into the train. We walk up and down it, searching for an empty cart. Eventually, we come across Neville, alone. "Hey, Neville" I say. "Could we sit with you?" He looks not nervous, but scared. "Um er- yeah- I um lost my toad, er- Trevor, so I'm going to go look for him..." Says Neville. "We'll help!" I say. He seems to lighten up as he says "Thanks." I nod. "I'll check the front half with Justin, you guys get the back half." Everyone seems to agree, so me and Dean start walking up the front of the train. Our cart was in the middle so we just traveled upwards, looking for a toad.

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