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The loud grandfather clock echoed through the Cassio mansion. It was noon and the fights were about to begin. I walked with June to the boxing arena right next to the gym. Boss usually used this for underground matches that he has high stakes in, but today it serves as the final threshold before death.

Inside are numerous folded chairs filled with members of Boss's mafia and Ultan's mafia. I could spot a few maids located around serving drinks to the loud crowd. Mrs. Isabella is seated next to Boss and her two sons. Marcello looks excited as he leans forward onto his knees. The other son, Monte couldn't be bothered to be here.

Marcello will be taking over the mafia in a few years. He seems fit for the role. I have only talked to him when he had a personal matter I had to deal with. Usually it was when he got into disagreements with men from other low ranked mafia, he sent me to flirt with them and then kill them.

Monte on the other hand flirts with everything that moves. I don't get the allure of him, but June thinks he is attractive with his olive skin and deep eyes. I tend to stay away from the playboy type.

Shade entered in his normal black shorts and taped hands. The lights dimmed and Boss stood up. He walked to the center of the ring and cleared his throat drawing everyone's attention.

"Ladies and Mafia, we are here today to test the limits of my prized assassin's against the Irish mafia's fighters. While there is no money on the line, The honor of my mafia is. This is to the death. So whoever steps onto this mat, one will die and one may live. As long as they don't bleed to death. Shade will go against Cormac first."

Boss stepped out of the ring and took a seat next to Mrs. Isabella. Shade jumped on the balls of his feet and bent underneath the ropes that lined the ring. Cormac was huge will fair skin and fiery orange hair. Cormac had bulky muscle while Shade was still quite tall, he looked much smaller with the lean muscle build he had.

One of the women I have seen around with Monte stood in the corner in a small outfit. She lifted a small hammer to the bell and hit it. Immediately Shade moved towards Cormac with smooth strides. Each step he bounced and redirected his strength to hit apart of Cormacs unprotected body. Shade seemed to entertain Cormac with blocking his hits and moving around the ring.

A deathly smile made its way to Shade's sweaty face. He has made this face numerous times. Usually just before a kill. Shade stepped behind Cormac and lifted his arms in the air. In a quick one two motion. Cormac's neck moved around to the side. A loud snapped rang throughout the arena. For a moment it was quiet. No one moved or made a sound. Boss slowly rose from his seat and clapped his hands.

Cormac's body laid limp on the mat and everyone in the Italian mafia stood and cheered for Shade. I even moved my hands to give him two slow mocking claps. The fight was impressive, but I would never compliment Shade to his face. All I would get back would be condescending comments.

I looked in Ultan's direction and sadness was clear across his old face. I didn't know Cormac nor did I really care about the man, but I could understand why Ultan is disappointed about Cormac's death. Men from the Italian mafia pulled Cormac off of the floor and tossed his lifeless body in the corner.

"Winner Shade. Italian mafia." Boss yelled from his seat. "Now Mazikeen and Ferris to the ring."

I took a deep breath and look out into the crowd, I saw June smiling and giving me a thumbs up. Then I met Shade's eyes. A board look present. He gave me a subtle nodded and sat down next to Carlos and June.

I stepped through the ropes of the ring and stood in front of Ferris. The man before me looked just like Cormac. With fair skin and bulky muscle. Unlike Shade, I was not as tall so my eyes look directly at his chest.

I took a moment to my myself and closed my eyes. I thought about my tactic. I needed to use his size and momentum against him. The bell sounded from the corner of the arena and I opened my eyes to see Ferris' large hand coming right towards my face.

I felt pain rushed to my cheek and warm liquid run down the size. I kept my face stone cold and moved back to my defensive stance. I squared my body up to Ferris. I saw his body telegraph a punch and I moved my hips to the side. I redirected the punch to my side and swept his feet out while punching his chest. He hit the mat below with a loud bang. I stood above him and saw adrenaline and a hint of fear in his eyes.

That little bit of fear is all I needed to get the demon in my soul to take over. All my other senses focused on killing the man at my feet. I kneeled planting a knee into his chest and locking his legs with my other leg. I sent numerous punches to his porcelain looking face. As I moved my body, my hair started to fall into my eyes. I needed to end it.

I was never one for showmanship when it came to killing. I have killed before an audience before and I only make it long lasting and a show when I need information. I raised my hand and continue to pumble his face. His once white face was now black and blue with a coat of red from his blood and the blood of my knuckles. I had hit Ferris so many times I tore threw the tape and my knuckles had split open.

I noticed Ferris started to move underneath me. I did what I had to, I killed him. I raised my hand for the final time and plunged my pointer and middle finger into his eyes sockets. His head shook in my hand until he stopped moving completely.

I stood above my corpse and smiled. His blood covered me and the fresh liquid ran down my arm and dripped onto my feet. I was bleeding on my face still and Ferris had landed a few good punches. My lips were busted causing a river to flow out of my mouth and down my chin. I couldn't see the best after Ferris landed some hits on my eyes. However, I was alive.

Boss stood from his chair and clapped loudly. Everyone in the room, even the Irish mafia men stood and clapped. June jumped up and ran into the ring. She wrapped her arms around my body.

"I am so glad you are alive Maze."

"It takes more than an Irish mountain to kill me June." I smiled.

June continued to hug me. I ran my tongue over my lips and felt the blood all over my face. My dark hair was matted with Ferris and I's blood. I watch as Ferris' body joined Cormac's in the corner. Boss and Ultan stepped into the ring. I immediately looked down at my body. Blood stained my scarred skin and looked down at my only tattoo to avoid their gazes. A dagger was printed on my right thigh. It was of my favorite dagger. I got it years ago after I killed someone for the first time. My reward to remember it.

"Mazikeen you have impressed me. I didn't expect someone of your appearance to kill a man like Ferris in the way that you did."

"Thank you Sir." I bowed slightly to Ultan.

"My Mazikeen is a ruthless killer. I think Shade and her will be a key part in taking down the Russians."

"Indeed Leon. As promised your mafia wins so I will join you in your goal of killing the Russians."

Boss turned around towards the crowd. "Shade join me in the ring."

Shade jumped up from his seat and stood next to me. Boss drew the crowd's attention once again.

"These are our champions." Boss yelled putting a hand on our shoulders. "Both born in blood and destined to end the lives of all others in the crimson liquid."


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It wouldn't really be a good book if they died during the fights now would it? I guess you still stuck with them...for now. 

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