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Klaus storms into Asa and Kol's bedroom, nearly knocking the door off the hinges from the force. Eyes landing upon the troublesome duo. Kol was lying down, face buried into Asa's neck, arms tightly wrapped around her waist as Asa strokes her fingers through his hair. Seeing the two of them like this fuels his anger and irritation. He storms over to the foot of the bed, crossing his arms as he glares furiously down at the sleeping couple.


Asa lets out a sigh eyes fluttering open. "What Niklaus?"

"Do you want to tell me why you and Kol attacked my doppelgänger last night?!"

Asa looked unbothered by his question as she shuts her eyes once more, continuing to stroke through Kol's hair. "We did, and what about it?"

Klaus was the only one that was upset about the attack against Elena. Finn and Elijah shrugged while Rebekah had laughed in his face. He couldn't believe no one seemed to care about the importance of her blood!


Opening her eyes once again, Asa pursed her lips, an amused expression on her face. "Niklaus... Look at my face and see how much I care about your precious little doppelgänger and how important she is to you?" A smirk curls her lips as Klaus lets out a growl. "That's right, I don't care. You should've drained her dry ages ago. I don't know why you continue to play these silly little games with such pathetic children. None of them besides my little dove poses a genuine threat to us. You, Elijah, and Rebekah have done nothing but let them ridicule and embarrass this family. So, that leaves Kol and I to show them why we have been feared and respected for a thousand years. You should pay attention, it's clear that you've lost your touch."

Kol lets out a muffled laugh at his wives' taunting words to Niklaus.

"You think this is funny?!"

Kol waves of laughter come to a halt as he rolls over onto his back. Looking down at Klaus, he smirks. "It's bloody hilarious, brother. Though you should listen to my wife. It is quite embarrassing to see how many times Elena, who's the dumbest doppelgänger ever I might add, has outsmarted you. She and her friends come up with the stupidest plans and yet somehow succeed because you haven't snapped their bloody necks yet. And don't get me started on how you're being dragged along by the blonde."

Klaus lets out a growl, "Keep Caroline out of this! This is about you and Asa!"

"Niklaus, the blonde doesn't want you. She's being used as a distraction while the Salvatores and the doppelgänger plot our demise, yours especially. You can continue to be a fool all you want, but if she gets in my way or Asa's I'm going to gauge her pretty little eyes out." Kol replies, he and Klaus glare at each other.

Someone awkwardly clears their throat, interrupting. Asa turns to the doorway to see Bonnie and Rebekah stand in there. They were eyeing the three of them wearily.

"We were heading to school and just wanted to let Asa know," Bonnie says, biting her lip as an excited expression takes over Kol's face.

"School, you say? Does Elena and the baby Salvatore attend as well?" He questions, ignoring Klaus, who fumbles.

"All of them do, except for Damon, but he shouldn't be allowed near teenage girls," Rebekah replies.

Kol hums, standing from the bed, flashing over to the closet he shared with Asa.

"What are you doing, darling?" Asa questions, having a slight idea as she watches him.

"We're going to school, of course! Unless you want to stay here and listen to Niklaus..." Kol trails off as he steps out of the closet with their chosen outfits.

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