Chapter 13*

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1month later*
It's been 3 weeks since Jayden's mums funeral and he hadn't really showed any hurt or mourn ,but he has been quite quiet I was beginning to worry. Right now we were in his bed watching Netflix films.

Me:Jayden,not being rude or anything but why didn't you cry or show any hurt at the funeral. I asked whilst stroking his head that was layed on my chest.

Jayden:don't ask fucking questions . He said with a attitude & sucked his teeth.

Me:okay damn! I was just asking.
I said whilst pushing him off of me and walking down the stairs.

I sat down in the kitchen not knowing what to do or how to feel,so I just left the house and went to Jahmals.

Jahmal:Aww,what's wrong with my baby ? He cooed as I hugged him.

Me:sometimes I don't know why I bother. I do so much for him,and he disrespects me,I love him but there's only so much I can take. If he don't change his stinking attitude I'm gonna leave his dumb ass.

Jahmal:do you want me to beat his ass now or later ? He smirked

Me:Jahmal it's not funny I said whilst he wrapped his arms around me and we layed in his bed.

Jahmal: alright alright I'm sorry. He laughed.

Me:Jahmal you're getting big man.

Jahmal:you tryna call me fat ?

Me:lemme re-phrase I mean you're getting hench ,you been working out? I looked at him whilst wiggling my eyebrows at him.

Jahmal: man you're so goofy . He chuckled.

Me:Jahmal. I said breaking the silence.


Me:thank you. I smiled

Jahmal: for what ?

Me : always being there for me and not trying to have sex with me . We both just started laughing.

Jahmal:it's fine ,I wouldn't try anything we haven't done before. He said giving me a peck on my lips.

Jahmal: see. He smirked

Me:"ewww Jahmal just kissed me" remember in year 5 in the tree house.

Jahmal:how could I forget ,that was funny ,,you hungry ?

Me:yeah , Starving order food please.

Jahmal:chinese ?

Me: you know that's the real deal.
He went to go use his house phone in the front room not even a second later I got a text from a number saying;

When you first met Jayden he bet Nikita that he could get you on that day and the next day he could get what he wanted which was some pussy. I just thought you should know don't bother call back because I won't answer.

Just then there was a knock at Jahmals bedroom door. He's so damn stupid sometimes,who knocks on their own bedroom door .smh

Me:Jahmal ur silly it's your room no need to knock. I laughed

Jayden:it's me.
As soon as I saw him and remembered that text I got a couple of minutes. I felt my nostrils flare and my face go red ,I was either gonna cry or beat the shit out of him.

Jayden:I'm sorry about the way I spoke to you ma,I was stupid for cursing at you aswell. He said staring intently into my eyes.

Me:oh hell I'm over that ,but what I wanna know is did you bet on me or should I say my pussy ?
Guilt was written all over his dumb ass face.

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