All Hell breaks loose

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Chapter 14*
Jayden: since you want a "UMPH" name,think of one yourself. He mugged me.

Me: how about indiya ? I suggested

Jayden:do what you like. He mumbled.
This guy is such a baby.

I didn't even respond,I just turned the lamp off and closed my eyes. He's always acting like a baby,silly boy.

Jayden's POV *
I decided to call my boy josh,haven't spoken to him for ages man.

Me:yoo fam.

Josh:what's good,man ain't heard from you in time. I looked at my phone ,because this guy always says the same thing I'm the one that always calls him most of the time.

Me:same shit,different day bro. Man ain't seen you in the trap recently,that only happens when you and Casey are having issues . What happened?

Josh:she's been acting anti recently ,showing me no love . How's my lil sister tho?

Me:oh she's good uno. I said looking at kiesha whilst she slept peacefully.

Josh: I'll come round yours tomorrow with Casey,tremaine&chelle if you and they ain't doing nothing.

Me:yeah that's kool,come about 1.

Josh:alright safe.


I looked at kiesha and cuddled up closer to her whilst rubbing her stomach ,indiya was asleep aswell.

Me:I love you kiki. I kissed her neck and as soon as I shut my eyes she sat up.

Kiesh:no you don't. She said with a attitude then I remembered the way I spoke to her when we spoke about baby names.

Me:baby I'm sorry I snapped at you like that I didn't mean it, you know I love you.

Kiesh:wateva,but I've been thinking a lot recently about your trap life job& I don't want to bring our baby into that. I know it's hard to-

Me: I will stop all that I promise. I said whilst she layed on my chest.

Kiesh: really ? She frowned

Me: yeah ,but will you help me find a job ?

Kiesh: of course baby.

Me:I love you ,you know that right ?

Kiesh: I love you too. She smiled.

The next day*
Me:I haven't seen you guys in a while where you been hiding ? I said whilst we all sat in the front room watching 50 shades of grey.

Casey: I've been in college ,some people ain't lucky enough to do their classes online. She said sarcastically.

Michelle: Lol,truss me ms.lorraine misses you though. She rolled her eyes.

Me: alright girls no need to hate ,dayum.😂

Josh: as for me I've been busy w/ your friend and sorting out her issues that she has with man.

Tremaine: you lots are like husband & wife the way you argue. We all started laughing.

Casey: mich&kiesh lemme talk to you guys quickly. She said whilst walking out the room.

Awwwwww we all cooed,when we found out she was planning a suprise birthday holiday for josh that's why she's been abit sideways with him.

9hours later*
Jayden: safe g,roll safe. He dapped the boys and hugged the girls.

I hugged them all and waved them off .

Me:bye girls&boys. I shouted.

2days later* 12am
La'kieshas POV*

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