chapter three: silent treatment

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<y/n's POV>

I haven't spoken to sapnap since the incident. I know it seems harsh but he deserved it. He caused me to experience pain I haven't experienced in years. I've stayed in Minx's room for the past few days. Refusing to leave. I felt safe around her. I keep getting messages from sapnap telling me he is sorry. But that is the exact same thing my mother said each time before she turned right back around and hurt me again. She was the reason I had trust issues and shit. Anyway I've moved past that kind of. I still dont trust sapnap completely and my phone has been blowing up. I don't know of what though because I've refused to look at it. If it weren't for Minx I would've been going insane. She talks to me, makes sure I eat, wakes me up each morning, and basic necessities that I would need to do on a daily basis because she knew that was a way to show she cared.

<Sapnap's POV>

Y/n hasnt responded to any of my texts in a few days and I'm kind of getting worried. Why are you worried? You hate her, remember? I pushed the negative thoughts out of my mind and told y/n that I would apologize 1,000 times if I could. Minx messaged me later and told me that if I regretted it that much then I should have thought about that before I opened my mouth. She wasnt wrong. But I dont really think before I speak. Which is a huge problem if I ever wanna get closer to her. But I still fucking hate her... just not as much as before. I got a message from george a while later.


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can I go🥺

Maybe but you'll have to buy your own ticket🤦‍♂️

Okkk. Is Clay going too?

I think so. You might wanna stay away from y/n though


Because of what you did the other day bruh

Fair point. Bye gogy!

Bye sapnap.

Damn. I actually completely forgot I did that to her. I mean I remembered saying those words to someone but I didnt think I would say it to her. Then I remembered all of the times I would bicker with her, and realized how much I missed it. Wait... why do I miss her? I rolled my eyes at my dumb self and booked a plane ticket. Clay messaged the group chat saying he got a ticket too. She may ignore me while I'm there, but to be honest I just want to see her. I've only ever heard her voice, and she had this cute little Irish accent. I honestly loved hearing her voice. I dont know if she knows that I was just putting up a front when I first spoke to her. I'm deathly afraid of losing my friends and I'm surprized that Clay has stuck around this long, and I didnt want to lose her or Clay. Y/n is one of the sweetest people I know, but she can be quite chaotic. Especially when talking to me. But I wanted to at least be there for her birthday. Even if it meant her not speaking to me, and Minx got quite loud when someone is mean to y/n, I kind of forgot that Minx lived there until I thought of what Minx had said to me earlier.

<Minx's POV>

"Hey baby, you need anything?" I asked, peeking my head into my room. Without turning around she responded with a quick, "No I'm fine." I immediately speed walked to sit next to her, until I saw that she was texting Clay. At least it isnt sapnap. I sighed and walked back out of the room. I went and made her breakfast, and came back with 2 plates of pancakes, one cup of orange juice, and one cup of coke. I handed her the plate of food I made for her and handed her the cup full of soda. I sat down at my desk, and she sat down on the bed.

"Thank you Minx." Y/n said, with a mouthful of food.

"You're welcome baby." I responded.

"Do you think that my birthday this year will be better?" She asked making a puzzled face.

"Of course it will be, you've got me by your side." I said, she doesnt know that George, Clay, and Nick are gonna be here. I hope she decides to get closer to Nick when she sees him. I can tell she has a soft spot for him but I'm not sure how she'll react to seeing him in person. Well I'll just have to wait and see I guess...

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