The Ticking Clock

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After TaeYeon encountered the blonde woman, the next day she didn't appeared in the same convenience store. The jacket she gave to Sooyeon was memorable because it's the present she received from Tiffany on her birthday, she needs it but the pain it holds when she remembers Robbie said about spending the night with his girlfriend the night she first meet the blonde.

"Don't you have make up a class today?" Her mother asked because she's blankly staring out of nowhere and the hanging paintings on the wall that Tiffany made for her because they joined the same art club, it's abstract and unknown filled with darkness of hues.

"I will meet Tiffany, Mom. I'll going." She decided to search for the blonde because she must be the answer from her questions or involved with Tiffany's death.

"Bring Tiffany here sometimes." Her mom called but TaeYeon quickly went outside picking up her pair of jacket again. She loves sweaters and jackets so her closet filled with it same goes with Tiffany but recently she noticed how the woman dress changed from simple to daring one because of the influence of her boyfriend, Robbie.

*I must find Sooyeon.* She thought while walking through the same path with the mysterious blonde woman.


"She's not here." TaeYeon checks the convenience store window if some strange woman were lingering around.

"TaeYeon?" Her name was called from behind so she looked at the voice owner.

"Tiffany? What are you doing here?" She asked but Tiffany seems to be in a good mood because of the expression of her face, maybe it's because of Robbie, TaeYeon thought in her mind.

"I will buy something here. How about you, Tae?" They seems pretty awkward around each other after so many things happened.

"Ah, okay. I must go." TaeYeon bid goodbye but Tiffany wants to hangout with her bestfriend whom she forgot because of her boyfriend.

"Wait ----- " Tiffany step forward.

"TaeYeon." The blonde woman appears wearing the jacket TaeYeon lend to her and Tiffany noticed that it's her present.

"Sooyeon!" TaeYeon became cheerful after meeting the blonde woman again.

"Who is she?" Tiffany sounds so jealous.

"Ah, she's a friend." TaeYeon lied to her bestfriend about the blonde woman as she introduce Sooyeon to Tiffany.

"Are you here to steal again?" She whisper to the blonde woman who keeps staring towards Tiffany.

"It's none of your business." Sooyeon scoffed at TaeYeon who got surprise when she pushes by her.

"Hey, why are you acting bitchy?" Tiffany didn't like it and pulls the blonde woman's jacket which originally came from her.

"I don't care." Sooyeon glare at Tiffany before she pulls the hand away from her jacket while TaeYeon held her bestfriend not to cause trouble here.

"She's a jerk!" Tiffany angered by the blonde woman's attitude before she calm down herself.

"Wait here. I forgot something inside." TaeYeon knows the blonde woman will steal something again so she's aware that she needs to pay for the stuffs Sooyeon steal from the stall.

*She's paying for it?* Tiffany saw the situation and she knows that TaeYeon being kind and generous towards the bitch blonde woman.

"Wait up, Sooyeon!" TaeYeon tried to catch up with the blonde woman who quickly runaway outside but she already paid the usual cashier who always witnessed the scene.

"What the hell, Tae." Tiffany swiftly pulls her bestfriend not to follow the blonde woman.

*loud ticking of clock* TaeYeon heard the loud ticking noise that she almost gone deaf as she covers her ears it confused Tiffany on her sudden behavior.

"What's happening, Tae?" Tiffany got worried because of her bestfriend's unusual and weird actions seeing TaeYeon kneeling on the ground covering her ears in fear.

"Don't you hear it? The ticking clock?" TaeYeon said in terror when she watched Sooyeon staring back at them before she quickly runaway.

"Hear what? What are you talking about? I'm scared of you now." Tiffany felt terrified because of what TaeYeon hears but she doesn't heard anything.

"There's still the ticking clock around here." TaeYeon fearfully look around her surroundings if there's something weird happens but none.

"I'll walk you home." Tiffany pulled her arms before Robbie appears with a frown on his face as she approaches them.

"What are you doing here? I thought you will buy something in the store?" Robbie got mad seeing TaeYeon with his girlfriend next to each other. He hates the lesbian friend of his girl, he sees her as a weird person around Tiffany so he always warned the woman about it.

"I'll bumped into her here." Tiffany half lied because she doesn't want to misinterpret by Robbie that she's concern about her bestfriend although her boyfriend warns her to stay away with a weirdo.

"Let's go." Robbie pulls Tiffany's hand in a rough manner but TaeYeon didn't like it so she held her bestfriend's wrist to stop them.

"What do you want psycho?" Robbie snorted and scream at TaeYeon whose glaring on him.

"Let go of her." TaeYeon felt dizzy out of a sudden as she sees her surrounding circling around from her sight.

"Just let --------- " TaeYeon suddenly fell unconscious on the ground that makes Tiffany screams in horror as she saw her bestfriend fainted infront of her.

*TaeYeon* She heard Tiffany but her body couldn't move an inch because everything filled with darkness yet the ticking noise were getting closer with her.

"Tiffany?" The death of Tiffany flashback through her mind, the funeral and how she saw her beloved lying in the coffin filled with white lilies. She cried hard and watched the coffin buried in the ground, no one knows how she died but it was reported she found dead on her apartment and who knows who killed her.

"TaeYeon wake up!" She heard her mother called before she finally woke up from her slumber while she's in the bathtub filled with warm water.

"Why am I here?" She was confused but she was sure that she's still in the past and found lilies in the water.

"Why there's so many lilies here?" She wanders but nonetheless she felt terrified with her dreams and the past she's been staying.


To be continued.

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