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Title: day 1

Rosie POV:

I was walking back home when I received a message...

Be on time, 4 p.m.to be exact see you there princess. My address: **************************** street.
~ Jimin'

How the hell did he get my number?!

How did you get my number??

I have my ways. ;)


Uh ok..?

*You changed 'unknown' to 'Park Jimin'*

*'Park Jimin' Changed unknown to 'baby girl'*

'What a flirt', I thought and rolling my eyes headed home.


It is currently 3:49 p.m and I am looking for Jimin-ssi's home but just can't seem to spot it. "Hmm, 어디있을 수 있습니까 ??"
"Hmm, Eodiiss-eul su issseubnikka ??"
"Hmm, Where could it be??"

"Looking for me princess?" I heard a familiar which caused me to flinch at the sudden action. I looked behind to find Jimin-ssi standing behind me holding a cute smile. "Yah, Shi!! Do you stalk me or smth??" I asked suddenly. I, Myself was surprised at how bold I was to ask him that.

"haha, You wish princess. I was just walking home with the groceries.." He said as he should me two brown paper bags he held in his arms. "But gladly found you here. Don't wanna be late do we?" He said and went inside the house that was RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME!!! And I couldn't find it...

Embarrassment washed over me as I sank into it... I felt someone lift me, I broke from my slight trance and saw Jimin lift me in bridal style and take me to his house. "You space out a lot you know?" He said as he took me upstairs to his room. 'WTF?!' "U-U-Uhrm I-I c-can wa-walk too..." I said stuttering because I was so flushed by now. I am sure I was beet red by now. "You look cute when you blush you know." He said as he placed me on his bed and headed to get his books and his stationary. 

I too took out my stuff but then suddenly I felt really hungry and by which I mean super hungry!! 'Shit!' "U-Uhm Jimin-ssi-" I was cut off by him. "Call me Jimin, please. I wouldn't want my future Girlfriend to be awkward around me." He said as he smirked. 'Why is he like this?! And worst of all why is this affecting me so much?!' 

"U-um Jimin, I was asking if you got any food..?" I asked a bit shy because well it's not etiquettes but FREAK was I hungry!! On the contrary, Jimin laughed so heartedly that it made my heart flutter and at the same time my mind was buzzing with confusion. "Holy shit!! You're so fucking adorable!!" He said as he continued laughing, I felt heat usher on the sides of my face. "Y-Yah! Do you have something to eat or leave-" And there he goes with cutting me off once more. 

"Fine, Fine!! I will go make us some Instant Ramyeon 'til then you can decide what you wanna teach, K Princess?" He said before winking at me. Why does he do that again and again?! Anyway! I opened up my grammar textbook and thought that we should start from the very first chapter. I took my round reading glasses and pushed them to my nose. I started browsing through the book looking for something I could teach him.

TIME SKIP [Spongebob voice]:

I was browsing through chapter 12 when the door flung open revealing Jimin and two ramen cup noodles!! "Took you long enough!! And we are starting with Chapter 1 in grammar weather you like it or not!" I said in an authoritative tone. He was shocked by my sudden change but I couldn't care less. I become quite serious about my studies. "Wow Princess got a change huh?" He said as he sat on the other side of the bed and passed me my cup of Ramen and started eating his own. "I am sorry *slurp* but I am *chew* very serious about studies!!" I said as I too started enjoying the wonderful taste of the Ramen.

"Oh shit, You look like a chipmunk when you eat!!" He said as he couldn't stop giggling at this new joke he made. He came near and pinched my cheeks. It hurt but his face up close would be sufficient to kill a few girls on spot. "You're very cute and pretty, you know." He said in a lower voice than earlier. "I-I K-Know... C-Can y-you back a-away a little?" I asked as I was too flustered because of the proximity we both were in. 

"Ok, But I swear I could kiss those pretty lips of yours if we weren't 'supposed' to be studying babe."

 He said as he backed away and continued eating his ramen! I too continued eating mine but I couldn't get his words of my mind. It's not as if I have never been kissed before. Of course, I have. Remember Chanyeoul my Ex? But this guy is something else!!

After we both were done I started with Chapter 1 and I decided that I at least want to finish 3 chapters with him today.

One eternity later [Spongebob voice]: 

Jimin POV:

We both had shifted the place to study Because I had a huge room it also had a centre table kinda thing we were now seated over there. I was doing the work Chaeyoung had assigned me to. When I looked up to Chaeyoung to ask her question I noticed one thing...

Boi was she sleeping!!

I bend down to clarify whether she truly was sleeping and yes she was sleeping. I picked up the extra strand of hair covering her angelically beautiful face to have a better look at it. I could tell that she didn't put any makeup on in the morning and neither did she put any makeup now, But still looked pretty effortlessly. My eyes rolled down to her cute small nose. Not many have small noses like hers but hers was effortlessly adorable. My eyes then rolled down to her soft plump and very kissable lips. I bit my lip in order to control myself. Fuck!! I wanted to have a good taste of them but unfortunately no! This was no time. 

"C-Chaeyoung-ssi..." I managed to breathe out. "Auw.." (like oh, it means yes in Korean. Kinda like an expression.) She said in a fucking hoarse voice. DOES SHE SERIOUSLY HAVE TO SOUND SO HOT IN A HOARSE VOICE LIKE THAT?! 'Shut up Jimin! You're a playboy! You should not feel stuff like this!!' The voice in my head said. 'But I too am a man.' I replied to it. 'Shut up and wake the girl up!!' It said and I only complied. "Chaeyoung ssi its 7:15, I think you should head home now..." I said and she complied and raised her head from the table and her ponytail was now messed up.

She quickly took out the rubber band and her silky black hair just flew out of it. She looked so hot when she let her hair down but to my dismay, she immediately tied it back up. She gathered all her stuff and got up so did I. I walked to the door to drop her off.  She followed me and open minded-ly said "Thank you Jimin ssi. Please do tell me when and where will the next class be or I will be informing you. Jalja!!" She said and gave me a cute smile and left.

Oh babe you're gonna see me now even in your dreams. 






Words: 1264.

~ Aviysteljs

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