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Title: His arrival

Rosé Pov:


It was today, the day I have lunch with Oppa, Unnie and Jeong Jaehyun ssi. The past few days have been hard on me as Mr Park (Jimin) won't leave any moment to talk to me. Once Joohyun Unnie had to punch him in the stomach because he was way too bothersome. Not gonna lie, in all honesty, after witnessing how Joohyun Unnie punched him, I want a boyfriend like Joohyun Unnie

She is the coolest woman I know after Chae-rin Unnie. 

Talking about Chae-rin Unnie... I have to get ready in about an hour as Chae-rin unnie suddenly calls me and says that I have to doll up at least a little bit because we are gonna have lunch at 'Seoul prime hotel', which is, by the way, one of the fanciest hotels in the whole of Seoul. So I definitely don't wanna go there looking like shit. Plus it will be really rude of me to just go around looking like I didn't even try to look nice in front of Jeong Jaehyun ssi after all he has helped me throughout the week.

[Author note: Mind y'all she will be calling him 'Jeong Jaehyun' or 'Jeong Jaehyun ssi' because she yet isn't close to him... and in Korea, the people who you aren't close to you refer to them by their full name and with a 'ssi' in the end to show respect. She won't be using them after this chapter though. I just wanted to clarify so that y'all on't get confused.]

I was right now in my bathrobe looking for a perfect outfit. How I wish it wasn't such a fancy place because I really want to wear something comfortable. You know what I don't care... It's freaking cold now and it snowed this morning and I don't wanna freeze to death, I am wearing some warm clothes and not some suits and skirts just because it in Seoul prime.

I decided on wearing a warm white turtle neck full-sleeved shirt paired with a pair of black jeans which went perfectly well with my YSL grey overcoat and I paired it with a black YSL purse.

I decided on wearing a warm white turtle neck full-sleeved shirt paired with a pair of black jeans which went perfectly well with my YSL grey overcoat and I paired it with a black YSL purse

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I then wore some heeled snow boots because the snow was quite a lot. I really wish I can still drive myself there.

Just then I received a text from Chae-rin Unnie.

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