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*Lisa's pov*

It’s not like I ever wanted it, I  just didn’t see it coming and when I  did, it was too late. One moment I was dating the perfect guy, the next I found myself in a toxic relationship, that for some reason I couldn’t leave.

I really thought Jungkook was the love of my life.

He was caring and loving, always putting the people he loved first and making sure everyone was happy. Maybe that’s why he started to cheat on me. Jungkook cared so much and did so much for the others, that he felt the need to be selfish in some way (because honestly every human being ends up being selfish so point in their lives), and it just happens that he chose one of the worst ways to be.

The worst part of it all was pretending. I had to pretend I didn’t know he was having an affair, I  had to pretend I  still loved him the same, I  had to pretend I didn’t want to cry every time he kissed me, because the taste of her lipstick was the only thing I  could feel when his soft lips touched mine. The pain was unbearable. I had pretended so much in the past months that I  were considering going into acting.

It was one of those stories people go to the movies to watch it, but they never truly think that it could happen to them. I myself loved watching these movies. I loved the drama and the tension, how it all seemed to be crumbling down and yet the characters always found a way to be fine in the end (even if fine means leaving the one you love behind).

It was ironic, to say at least, how I have always prided myself on knowing what to do. I would watch the movie and think about how I  wouldn’t do half of the things they did, because I  was stronger and knew better than forgiving someone who causes you so much pain. It was ironic, because now that it was happening to me, I found myself going against everything I ever said.

Maybe jungkook was cheating on me and maybe he didn’t loved me the same, but it was still to me that he was coming back to in the end of the day and that had to mean something. I needed to believe it meant something.


Truth be told, I don’t know where it all started. One day everything was perfect, the other Jungkook was coming home later than the usual and his clothes smelled differently from what they normally smelled.

In the begging, I brushed it off. Maybe it had been a very close fan or a friend or some staff, that had hugged him long enough to leave her scent, and maybe, now that the boys were back for a long break, they keep  meeting so many people every day.

A part of me knew that it had never been a fan, because I followed a few updates accounts on twitter and neither of the fans had met him more than once, or at least they hand’t taken any pictures.

The suspicions started to grow when the phone calls started to happen daily. Jungkook had always been a fan of a long call instead of multiple texts, but other than his mom,I had never seen him talk to the same person on the phone every day.

I knew it was the same person, the same way I  knew she was the one who was leaving lipstick taste and perfume smell on Jungkook. I knew from the way he’d lighted up when he saw her name on the screen and the way he’d come back happier than he was before, after a night out. I knew, because of what was his sleepy babbling, started to be the stories he would tell me over breakfast and dinner.

“I met this girl today, she was a real sweetheart.” He had said it one time, when the two of us were eating dinner and I were glad she hadn’t made an appearance in my day, yet. “You’d had liked her.”

No, I won’t, I wanted to tell him. Because how could he think that, I would like the girl that got him talking on his sleep and got to kiss him more than I did?

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