Sweet, Sweet Chocolate Kisses (Romano X Fem!Germany)

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Requested by Foxbattleshipdrugs ! Warnings: Chocolate, kissing.

"Loviiiii?" Monika called, walking into the room where the Italian lay on the couch. "Oh, there you are. I was looking for you."

"I was here all this time, amore." Lovino said, sitting up to face his lover. "What's up?"

Monika and Lovino had been dating for quite some time, 9 months to be exact. Although, it didn't look like it. In public, they acted like the other didn't exist and didn't acknowledge their existence. In fact, only Antonio and Gilbert, Lovino and Monika's older brothers, knew about their relationship. Even though they were hostile in public, at home they were kind and lovey-dovey. They truly loved one another, but decided against telling anyone.


Because they were complete opposites. Monika was kind, tidy, clean, loved dogs, liked office work and extremely nice. Lovino, on the other hand, was spiteful, a hoarder, hated to clean, preferred cats, designed clothes and was kinda a jerk. How the two got along so well? The world may never know.

"Today was rough, Lovi," Monika whined, snuggling into his side.

"Long day at work?" Lovino asked, holding her closely.

"Ja, and I missed you," Monika said, setting her head on his shoulder. Lovino flustered.

"I missed you, too." He said, kissing her forehead slightly. "Today was really boring. I took like three siestas before I could design a single dress."

"Oh, wow. Were you that tired?" She asked, sitting up and looking at him.

"No, I just missed you so much I could only'a sleep," He said. "Dreaming of you makes me feel better."

Monika flustered. She was the same color of his satin red shirt!

"You're so cute, liebe!~" She cooed, kissing his nose slightly.

Lovino flustered and kissed her softly. Monika kissed back, caressing his cheek. It was a sensual moment between the two. They rarely had a chance to spend time together when Monika worked, and Lovino designed. He kissed her once more, hoping each kiss would make all their problems cease to exist.

She pulled back and smiled sweetly. "You taste like... Like Schokolade!" She said, hugging him. "Schokolade-küsse!"

Lovino laughed slightly, hugging her back. "Sí! Chocolate kisses!"

"Can I have another?" She asked, looking up at him. "I love your Schokolade-küsse."

He flustered, but nodded. Monika leaned towards him and kissed him softly.

"Hey, hey!" Feliciano called, walking into the living room. "I brought movies an- Ah! Brother and Monika are kissing!"

Monika and Lovino stood quickly, both a deep crimson.

"Us? No, no!" They said, quickly. "We were just- just-"

Feliciano laughed.

"If you two want alone time, you can just ask!" He said, turning away. "Oh! One more thing!"

"What?" The two asked, looking at him.

Feliciano threw Lovino a chocolate bar.

"Gotta give Monika what she wants." Feli laughed as he walked away. "She just loves your sweet, sweet chocolate kisses!"

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