Part 1: New student

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Jimin's POV

It has been a month sisce school started and today we got a new transfer student in our class. Well usually I don't care about things like this but it just that he keeps on staring at me since the moment he came into our class. I don't know why he keeps on staring "vruuuuuu...." ho! that the sound of the bell, gotta go to to class break is over.

3thd person's POV

Jungkook is already popular.(in only 3 days) Although everyone in school boys and girls (he already told everyone he is gay) want to date his, his attention goes to jimin who doesn't even give it back . Now it lunch time and everyone is eating in the cafeteria.

Girl 1:Jungkook come and have lunch with us.

Girl 2:No come have lunch with us

Boy 1:Jungkook already told you guys that he doesn't like girls so stop trying.

Boy 2:come have lunch with us Jungkook

Jungkook: Sorry guys I am having lunch with my friends

(Time skip feew 5min later)

Tae: hey Jimin he is staring at you again

Jimin:I know he is, so please stop reminding me and why does he keep on staring at me?

Tae:maybe because he likes you

Jimin :no way that true

Tae:well he did say he was gay so maybe that the reason

Jimin : first of all even if he did like me I am not gay and I don't think that it, anyways let just enjoy our lunch in peace.

"Time skip jk' house"

Jungkook arrive at his house open the door and says "hi" to his mother and ran upstairs to his room where he capt his diary. He couldn't wait to write in it . It been ages since he wrote in his diary.

10 Feb 2021
Dear Diary
Today I want to tell you that I found him we are in the same school, yes the new school I transferred to. I know I should have written to you sooner but I had to make sure it was him. I don't want my heart to break after fi I find out it wasnt him. I was sure it was him because he looked exactly the same as he use to and that not all the good news we are not just in the same school but also in the same class heyyy. Ho! I have to go to sleep now I have school tomorrow. Yes I know I am not the biggest fan of school but that the only place I get to see MY Jimin so I can't miss it for the world.

After jungkook finished writing in his diary he put it back in the drawer where it came from


This is my first story so please tell me what you guys think. And please like my story if you think it good love uuuuuuuuuu

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