Part 28: Good news

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( a/y: in this  chapter  we are going to  go back and see what happened  to  Jimin  before  Jungkook  was  talking to  Yicha and his men )

Author's POV

...Jimin  fainted

Namjoon: JIMIN!!

Namjoon  yelled  after seeing  Jimin  fall down on the ground. He quickly  picked up Jimin and  putted him in the car.

When he got  to Jikook's house he called  the Jeon family  doctor- who new all about  Jimin  since jikook were children. He has been  their  family  doctor  for over 30years- and than called  Jungkook who didn't  even let him say what was wrong before  hanging up.

He knew  if he called  Jungkook  first, the later  was going to  complain about  how irresponsible he is for not calling  the  doctor first and all that.

When Jungkook  got home he went  to his room and found Jimin  laying on  his back whill the doctor was examining  him.

Jungkook: Jimin  are you alright?!! Namjoon  what happened to  him?

Doctor: please  take him out, I  need silence  to concentrate.

Namjoon  took Jungkook  out of the room but not before Jungkook  put up a fight.  When  they were in the living room  waiting for  the doctor  to finish, Namjoon  called Jungkook's parents, Taegi, Jin and Hoseok and  his husband Felix.

(A/n: hobi is Jungkook's  friend, they meat in University  in  USA and now Hoseok works for Jungkook  just  like Namjoon)

Everyone  came rushing to Jikook's house  the moment  that  they  heard that Jimin  fainted.  And now everyone  was in the living room waiting and praying  for the doctor to  tell them that Jimin is  fine.

After  what felt like  years, the doctor finally  called  them to come upstairs.  They all rushed  to the stairs, pushing  each other  just  to get to Jimin  first.

When  they all arrived  in the room  the doctor  started to explain  what  had happened to  Jimin.

Doctor: both of them are fine  but I  must say , I am very disappointed at all of you, how can you let Jimin  dance in this condition?

Jungkook: what do you  mean by  both, and what condition?

Jungkook  asked the question  everyone  wanted to ask- even Jimin- everyone  started  thinking that  Jimin  jas some bad illness or something but they all tried  to keep positive  thoughts in their  minds.

Doctor: ho! You don't know?

Jungkook: know what?

Doctor: I am  sorry for  what I  said to all of you right now, I  didn't know that all of you didn't know.

Jungkook: stop  speaking  around the  boush and tell  us what wrong with  Jimin, please.

Doctor: well, Jimin is not suppose  to be doing anything  that too rough, like dancing and  lifting  heavy stuff  because  Jimin is pregnant.

Everyone  suddenly  went  quite, until  Jungkook  spock.

Jungkook: I'm going to be a father?

And  that was all everyone  needed before  they all started  hugging, kissing and congratulating  Jimin and  talking about  how they are going  to be the best uncles and  grandma.

While  everyone  was talking, a fight  started between  Tae  and Jin about  who's child is  going to be Jimin's child's best friend.

Tae: Chimy's baby  is  going to be  my baby's  best friend  because I  am already  Chimy's  soulmate !!!

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