Part 5: Friends

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3rd person's POV

Jungkook has been thinking the all night and decide to make Jimin remember him no matter the cost. It lunch time and not so long ago Jungkook saw Jimin going out of the cafeteria and heading to the toilet so Jungkook decide to follow him. He waits until Jimin is done with his business and pull him from the toilet heading to the rooftop.

Jungkook's POV

I heard Jimin saying something about me letting him go and bla bla. No way in hell I am going to miss this chance.

Jungkook: can you just come down,I just want to talk. If I asked you to come with me you could have refused so that why I dragged you here.

Jimin : say what you want to say fast

Jungkook: Jimin, baby I know you dont remember me but just let me help you to remember everything

Jimin: first of all DON'T CALL ME THAT I AM NOT ANYONE 'S BABY AND DEFINITELY NOT YOURS, and what your problem with this remembering thing,I don't know you so please just leave me alone PLEASE.

When jimin said those words I felt like someone starbed me with a knife. Come on jungkook think of something or you will lose him forever, wait is he leaving no no no he can't leave me again NO YOU CAN'T JIMIN.

 Come on jungkook think of something or you will lose him forever, wait is he leaving no no no he can't leave me again NO YOU CAN'T JIMIN

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Jungkook: ha ha ha ha, I did it I made you angry.

When I said that Jimin looked at me with a confused face

Jimin: what going on

Jungkook: well here is the thing, you see I was doing all of this because I wanted to see you angry. You are always smiling so I wanted see another side of you.

Jimin: did you have to do all of this just for that?

Jungkook:Sorry, can we please be friends and forget this ever happened
Jimin: welll....Okay:)
Jungkook: thanks:)

I am so glad I came up with something on time, now I will get close to Jimin and make him remember me and I have to find out why doesn't he remember me

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I am so glad I came up with something on time, now I will get close to Jimin and make him remember me and I have to find out why doesn't he remember me.

Jimin: now that we are friends let go and have lunch together before break ends :)

Jimin: now that we are friends let go and have lunch together before break ends :)

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After they finished they lunch they went to class. When school was over everyone was going home. Well jimin was walking home he felt the same this he has been feeling since Jungkook came into his life. He feels that someone is always following him, before he use to think it was jungkook but they are friends now so he wouldn't follow him.

Who do you think is the one following jimin?

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