The After Party

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Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes

Armin's POV

It's been a few weeks since Connie's first podcast with Eren and Jean, after the first episode aired Connie's podcast went viral everyone wanted to hear more about Eren and Jean's situation. After the first episode Connie started to invite all of us on his podcast he would invite Reiner on the podcast to talk about fitness and diet tips, Bertolt would be invited to help people with their mental issues and would give them advice on what to do in certain situations. Eren and I would go on Connie's podcast talking about conspiracy theories. Zeke and Eren would sometimes go on the podcast together and answer some medical questions some listeners had. Krista and Ymir both go on the podcast and talk about how people can find who they really are and how to stop faking who they are. Annie and Mikasa would sometimes go on the podcast and talk about self-defense techniques and how they both learned to drop their emotional barriers and express how they truly feel. Sasha was Connie's co-host and helped with a lot of the production of the podcast. Things have been going pretty well except of course the whole thing with Eren and Mikasa 

Eren seems to be pretty lost on what to do, he's confided in Zeke, Levi, and I on what he should do or whether he should even forgive her, but he still hasn't made a choice. We all use to hang out like we use to but Eren and Mikasa wouldn't talk much to each other, but no one had the courage to say anything about them. As the day continued Connie texted us and told us all that we got invited to a convention for his podcast, the host of the convention wanted us to be there and would give us a panel so we could talk and meet some fans of the podcast. We got really excited and were happy to know that so many people wanted to meet us. We all got invited to the convention and even the after-party. As we got ready for the convention I noticed Eren was just laying in his bed staring at the ceiling, and I could tell he wasn't ok. 

"Eren are you alright?" I said walking towards him 

"Oh yeah Armin I'm good," He said trying to make me feel better, but I knew he wasn't 

"Eren what's wrong?, this isn't like you to hide things from me," I said hoping he'd tell me what's wrong

"I'm sorry, I'm just lost and I don't know what to do anymore. This isn't something I can just make a decision on and continue with my life. If I forgive her then what happens, and If I don't I'll never get over this feeling," He said looking at me with pain in his eyes 

"I'm sorry Eren, I'm not going to pretend like I know what you're going through because I've never been through this before, but If I were to give you any advice it's to not give up on her. I know what she did was wrong, but what are you gonna gain from hating her?" I said 

"I won't gain anything, but I'm afraid to love again. How did you know you fell in love with Annie?" He said looking to me for the answer 

"I knew I fell in love with her when I realized my heart didn't belong to me anymore, it belonged to her. When she told me she liked me back I felt as if I couldn't hear anything else, her voice was my favorite song and I could listen to it forever," I said smiling thinking about what Annie truly meet to me

"Wow Armin, I'm speechless. I think I get what you mean now, thanks I really needed to hear that," He said finally smiling at me. 

"No problem Eren I'll always try my best to help, now let's get ready we have to leave soon," I said leaving his room and grabbing my keys. 

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