So I shifted to Hogwarts after group shifting together check out the story Her wattpad: @Kitty_Alia and her wattpad title: Shifting to Hogwarts with my bestie (Real Experience/True Group shifting story) this story gets crazy and weird in the same ti...
There is Snape to be honest I expected the Draco but then I said in my mind like "Draco doesn't. give a shit about anything like what the hell" Snape told me "welcome to Hogwarts Kira your belongings are in your desk" then he left and kept my door open like dude if want me to change my clothes CLOSE MY FRICKEN DOOR I got out of my bed and made my bed and saw A WAND LIKE YALLLLLLLL I was exited I put my clothes on when I touched my wand like a whole spell knowing shit came all flowing down my brain like I tried the levitation spell and OMFGGGGGG I was oh my GOOOOOD I went outside and saw FRICKEN (trying not to cusss be like) DRACO THE FERRET AND BLAISE AND the non important people like crab and Goyle they both looked at me and I WAS SO SCARED I got my books and.
I was walking up the stares like 2 feet away from the door I heard "hey new girl" I saw Draco talking to me I WAS READY TO ROAST THAT BASTARD I looked at him in a dead stare and said "what do you want" he just said "you need any help there books kinda look heavy" my face softened up and just told him "no I'm good" then he looked at me like with a smirk, then I left just not to be late I scripted that I knew the Hogwarts castle like very much so I knew my ways around I didnt realize how big this was I made it to the great hall and It was amazing when I saw Hermione, Ron, and harry I was just shocked I saw Draco and the others there I said In my mind like " How the hell did he make it here before me" then I went and sat down to an available seat WHICH WAS NEXT TO THE BLONDIE To be honest the teacher pointed me to sit there god knows why SO AT THAT POINT I WAS SUROUNED BY BOYS like Draco was next to me harry and Ron was sitting behind me talking about me ( I heard them) crab and Goyle was infront of me when Blaise was next to me to.
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everything was so god dam awkward I wasn't eating but after like 2-3 min of silence Hermione taped me in the back saying "hey, hey Kira" I looked at her Draco looked at me and her and just was silent, I told her "what" she said "can I talk to you after breakfast" I heard Ron whispering (he sucked at whispering) saying to Hermione "don't do it she's a Slytherin" I looked at Ron and said "I heard that" then looked back at Hermione who looked at Ron annoyed then Hermione looked at me and said "ignore him, so?" I just said "thanks for the offer but I don't think your friends approves" I looked at Draco who was smirking and Hermione said "please" I just said "again, thanks for the offer but your friend doesn't agree" I tried so hard not to say there names cause I KNEW THEM Hermione said "oh ok my name is Hermione granger if you need any help tell me" then before I could say anything Draco said "yea she's a mud blood" then I looked at Draco then I said " so what, doesn't matter" he looked at me saying "her parents are muggles how pathetic" I just said "like your personality" Hermione and the trio and Draco's friends was just shook Draco said " don't ever talk to me like that" I looked at him like "what are you gonna do about it" I thought he would say:
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At this Ron and harry were laughing Draco said "shut up weasly" then looked at me saying " I will have a talk with you later" cause we needed to go to class I go out walking fast cause I was just trying to get away from everyone and I made it to class and while I was walking there I realized that I don't know this area a lot I just kept saying in my mind the whole time like "Shit, shit shit shit shit" and way more I went to class it was potions we did the class then another class (s) went and it was lunch I was just not happy about that so a fact about me I don't eat a lot . - . so I just went there and while I was walking there I bumped into ginny and told her "watch where your going" she said " oh sorry do you know where my brothers are" I just said " names" she said " there names are Fred and George" I was just like in my mind " Wait I didnt see them" I just said "no where do you least expect them to be they might be there or somewhere obvious " she just laughed then I smiled she said "thanks why aren't you going to lunch" I just said " I'm not hungry" she looked at me and said " really" in a shocked voice then she said "can you help me find my brothers then?" I agreed then she said to meet her in the dining hall when we need to and see if we found them I just was walking around I saw them outside on a broom stick flying I did the spell to get my broom and got it then flew to them saying "HEY," they looked at me "your sister ginny is trying to find you" laughing they replied saying "where is she anyways" I said I do not know I think the dining hall " they went of there brooms so did I and they said "thanks by the way what's your name" I told them my name and last name then they said " Nice name" I smiled and left after time and after skipping dinner as well I went to my dorm and in my room and see Draco f$&^% Malfoy and saying "there you are" and I was frustrated and just said "why are you in my room Malfoy" he just said.
"that's besides the point" then I was annoyed and said "no that is the point why are you in my room" he simply said "to find you of course if I wasn't gonna find you then why would I be here" i was frustrated and told him "couldn't you want In the common room not MY DORM" he simply said "my friends are there " I wanted to ask what's the problem then but didnt and just said "find what do you want" putting my bag in my desk he just said "don't ever talk to me like that in the morning" I looked at him and put a smirk on my face saying "why" he said "cause I can hurt you when ever I want" I giggled saying "Id like to see you try" he was pissed I knew he didnt want to show it don't ask me why ITS JUST WHAT HAPPEND he said " there's nothing funny with that my friends are outside I can bring them and they can hurt you they don't care what gender you are" me being me saying "bring them I can beat all y'all asses in 3 min" he laughed and went outside of the room saying "well we will see about that tomorrow I will beat you up infront of everyone" y'all could see what gonna happen next
I went to sleep knowing I'm about to get detention tomorrow the next day mid day Draco yelled " there she is " everyone looked at me and him harry and Ron both said " this isn't gonna end good" (they where 3-5 feet away from me) I was just putting my back on the wall cool like shit and I looked at him and said "ugh get a life Malfoy I'm not in the mood to get detention" they laughed and one of his friends attacked me and Uh- let me tell you YA GIRL DIDNT KNOW SHE CAN FIGHT THIS GOOD like I'm telling you kicks and punches were going all around harry was laughing so hard and Ron saying "GETTING BEAT UP BY A GIRL HAHAHA" the weaslys were just laughing everyone was just laughing after all of the guys in the floor trying to get up I looked and saw a professor yelling "Ms, Blackbell My office NOW" (my full name was Kira Willam Blackbell)she demanded I mumbled "oh shit" looked at Draco then saying again "ehhh it was worth it" walking with the teacher summary I got detention for 3 days straight I didnt care I went out and saw Hermione she said "oh my god that was amazing where do I start!" I was happy and said "yea my parents was teaching me things"