So I shifted to Hogwarts after group shifting together check out the story Her wattpad: @Kitty_Alia and her wattpad title: Shifting to Hogwarts with my bestie (Real Experience/True Group shifting story) this story gets crazy and weird in the same ti...
So main detail me and Draco hung out after school not during school we be mean to each other in front of everyone cause not to appear 'soft' me and Hermione hung out during school she knew me and Draco where friends but didn't say anything to anyone she didn't agree on first but then I begged her then she agreed
SO next year YES IM SORRY ITS BEEN A YEAR IM TRYING TO GIVE YOU GUYS THE IMPORTANT EVENTS so we get the news that there's a competition in my mind I'm like "rip Cedric" in the same time like "wait VOLDEMORT EXISTS I FORGOT TO REMOVE HIM SHITTTTT"
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So I f%$^ed up so we got the news and I was just feeling guilty cause Dedric is gonna be true so we ALSO GET INFORMED THAT there's a ✨ball✨ and Me being me hates them cause IM SO SCARED so some time later we get informed to practicing dancing and THANK GOD I didnt get called to dance with a guy yes that happend I was laughing looking at Fred and George ofc not out loud but they were funny and you can't deny that ok so in the end we all start dancing and me hiding behind people sitting down not wanting to do shit Hermione comes and says "hey do you have a partner to the dance" I told her "n o " and just said "don't worry you will go with someone" me just mumbling "hopefully not" Hermione laughing I looked at her dead stare when she said "George doesn't have anyone to go with ;)" I looked at her then said "ehhhh" she then says "would you go with George" I just said "I have no idea" THEN THIS GIRL LEAVESSS TO GEORGE then me sneaky walks out FAST ✨lunch time✨ me going to eat (for the first time in forever! lol) I walk there sit in my regular spot next to Draco who doesn't talk or hang out with my anymore god knows why and I hear someone patting me in the back and LOOK AND BEHOLD ✨GEORGE✨ I look at Hermione in a 'you are dead stare' she laughed George said "Kira" me in my mind "SOMEONE HELP PLEASE SHITTTTT" I told him "yea?" he looked and said " would you want to go to the ball with me" DRACOS EYES WIDEN me not knowing if I should say yes or no I go with my guts and say "sure" Draco was pissed at me could tell from the corner of my eye and George was smiling and said "see you soon" then went to sit next to Fred which was cheering him on.
After school I am walking to my dorm/room and gets drags to dracos room he says "what the f%^# kira" I ask him what's his problem he just says "with George are you serious what the hell happend to you" I literately tell him "what is there a problem so what if I'm going with George before no one was gonna ask me now one guy asks me Draco you stoped talking to me and stoped hanging out with me" he goes and says " so what is I am not hanging out with you doesn't mean to go with George" I literately didn't give a shit who heard this conversation " I just not yell but say loud "Draco your not hanging out with me your not my boss your not my dad your not my mom you can't tell me what to do I'm going with George and you can't stop me and why don't you want me to go with George" he stays silent I look at him and demand an answer he says "look I will explain everything come it down" I refuse he just sits him self and says " my father and your father kinda got into a fight and my dad told me not to hang out with you and kira I don't want you to go with someone I don't like because it makes me feel more like I failed you in some way I know you won't understand and I get it" I look at him and say "well then you don't hang out with me because of your father and that's understandable but me not going to live my life going and gonna go have fun with someone who asks me to the ball I'm not gonna ditch him Draco and yes I understand what your saying and I'm sorry" then I leave.
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Its the day of the yule ball and I get dressed into this: (Ok dam this is big picture)
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I go with this and meet Hermione victor Krum and go with George to her and talk to her she just says. "Ohhhhhhh you look amazing" I say thanks and complement her to then me asking her if she wants to eat something and asked George I go alone and lord and behold blondie comes next to me and says "you look good" I look at him with his suit
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mhm perfect G.I.F that was how he looked I looked at him and said "you don't look bad yourself anyways I need to give George this water bye" he looked pissed as he sees me giving George his drink and points at Draco and say "don't mind him" the night ended with me and him stargazing him = George